Would anyone be interested in a book about Opie & Anthony?

38  2016-07-02 by [deleted]



I have a background in journalism and I know way to much about this show to not put pen to paper.

No thanks.


*know thanks


OK, why not

Puddle of AIDS: How Two Shock Jocks Propelled a Special-Needs Comedian to Mediocrity


Here I'll write the intro.

"Where the fuck is my gun?" Anthony screamed in a beery rage. The dumb twat was yelling something in the background but he couldn't parse the message from her usual stream of Internet jargon and girl nonsense.

"Wh-WHAT?!" he screamed at 8 decibels for no reason.

"Where did you see it last?" Dani asked again. She was clutching her side as though in pain; Anthony didn't really remember why.

"In my FUCKING HOLSTER," Ant said. "My God, you are a dumb nigger-wop-jewess, you know that?"

The series of epithets made him tired, like pretty much everything did at 68 years of age, and he collapsed heavily on the couch, sending Bud Lite empties and NRA literature flying everywhere.

"You're a racist piece of shit, just like your brother and his biker gang, and your dad too," Dani said. She paused to adjust the angle on her iPhone. "Ugh, it's like I'm being punished for fucking an old wealthy creep for attention."

"My... father?" Anthony said, feeling weird and nostalgic or whatever the fuck that word is when you hear something and know it's important but can't figure out why. "I haven't thought about him since he explained what the coloreds were really up to at the Watts Riots. That was a long time ago, back in... California..."

The rest of the book is a series of Ant flashbacks from childhood up to the present day. You're welcome.


slow clap

I'm for it, as long as there is a chapter called "The subreddit that exposed the boys".

Honestly, as I posted a second ago, the fanbase turning on the show is far more interesting than the show itself.



That can fit in one sentence and it certainly shouldn't be the focus. Who cares about that? That's for gossip columns and it will matter 0% in a year from now. To me it's more interesting to read about how they did even the shittiest bit, spent their days at XM, rather than reading about some guy who put a link to the periscope video, or made allegations, or even Opie or Ant putting fingers at each other. How is that of any value?


I will illegaly download your book


I can't tell if this an opie-ism. or if your sad about not getting financially compensated

I read the first couple sentences of what you were saying but because I'm hammered and don't have the attention span I'll impart on you this. my friend has a degree in journalism from a private school and is the produce manager of K-mart right now so take this useless knowledge you have of O&A and fucking run with it and make that book.

It would make for good reading while on my lunch break at Panera Bread!

that's 180,000 words

47,094 – The Great Gatsby – F. Scott Fitzgerald
49,459 – Slaughterhouse-Five – Kurt Vonnegut
59,900 – Lord of the Flies – William Golding
61,922 – All Quiet on the Western Front – Erich Remarque
63,766 – Brave New World – Aldous Huxley
85,199 – The Unbearable Lightness of Being – Milan Kundera
88,942 – Nineteen Eighty-Four – George Orwell

and so on.

They want to throw Shepards and terriers into the melting pot of integration, throughout of which will come a mulatto, MONGREL class of puppy! And both breeds will be destroyed!

I always imagined writing an O&A book in the same style as Isaacson's Steve Jobs biography. Thorough attention to detail and unbiased.


honestly do it, my attention span has basically made me only be able to read books of 300 pages or less, i finished the coloring book in a day, but i would be willing to read your book and pay money for it. fuck these people on the sub telling you no, we are all too negative. and it would mean using all the stupid facts you know for something profitable.

i will say don't release it in parts because the feedback you will be given will suck and have peckas attached to the end of it. hell if you start writing now and release it in 2017 it will be optioned in 2018 and a film made in 2020 and you will be the in the top 5 most successful people to come out of the O&A madness.

admittedly i am a bit biased, i came to this sub right after Ant was fired, because i knew him from redeye and ended up reading this sub like it was my drug, i have listened to barely 20 hours of O&A and i love this sub more than anything else, and come here a dozen times a day.

also you do know your 900 page book will be way longer than any of the other books you just mentioned right? which is good but still pretty impressive considering the subject matter, and if completed will basically be the longest book on comedy or radio or politcal correctness

It wont be interesting until Opie, Jimmy, or Anthony dies.

I believe you were the fag who broke the Cumia Lock Up news so you've got previous. I don't know about your journalism background because you sounded like a 15 yo English girl on the recording but then what do I know.

If you wanna do it I say go for it; nothing moves unless you push it right?

I will never read it but I may say I did.

🇬🇧 = 👬 💒


Gold and I'll tell you my little English rose.


I'd rather a documentary. Especially if somebody could get both of them to independently do interviews. There's money to be made.

Oh yeah. I'd buy your book.

Why not both?

I'm not made of money.

You can't have a cake and eat it too

You can if you join us over at Panera friend. Career progression, paternity leave and a semi rock solid retirement plan too.



I would be interested in O&A book if it was groundbreaking, popular outside this circle and a bestseller. Otherwise no, I love the show and I know everything about it.

I would be more interested in hearing stories from the comics who did the Traveling Virus Tour.

I'd buy one to throw at Opie.

To be honest, as I think about actually reading 28 chapters about O&A's rise from their early beginnings and on through Sirius, I don't think I'd make it past chapter 1. Opie's reminiscing about his and Anthony's career was bad enough. This book would be like that, but I'd have to sit through 28 chapters of it.

Plus you're not going to get the opinions of the most important people that would make the book actually interesting: Opie and Anthony themselves. I'd read a book if it had their accounts of things. That'd be fascinating. I'd love to know what their actual lives were like growing up. Some detail and some insights about it. Their genuine feelings/reflections. Their take on their career and significant events. But who you'd be interviewing is other radio DJs who knew of O&A, or some low-level comedians that visited one day, or get some sterile opinions from Blobby or Norton or bitter washed up comics like Paul Mercurio. It'd be the most boring shit ever.

Also, if someone wants to know about O&A's history, they would do best to just listen to the archives. That would allow them to relive the actual hilarity and drama of it. Writing about the hilarity and drama would take the hilarity out of it.

The proper way to do something like this is make a documentary, and make it like 1.5 to 2 hours. I'd watch that in a second. But what you're proposing would just be a 28 chapter bore-fest.

To be specific, I wouldn't want to read about:

how the show came together

Because Opie yapped about it enough that I know it inside and out

the development of outrage culture

I'm done hearing about "shock jocks"

political correctness

Dead horse. Heard all we can hear about it.

their firings

Again, Opie talked about this ad nauseum

a great human story

You won't get it, because you won't get to interview Opie and Anthony. You'll be speculating or getting uninformed opinions by peripheral people.

Just being real. I don't think it would be good at all. Either a docu or don't bother.


If you can get them to actually sit down with you and do really serious, deep interviews, where they open up and deliver information we're not aware of and discuss real feelings, then of course the book would work. I just doubt you'll get it. There's a difference between a stilted interview where they're giving their canned answers and deflecting hard questions and being cautious about what they say, and them giving real interviews. They're both so paranoid about their former fanbase at this point that you'll never get them to open up, if you can even get them to agree to an interview. Look at Ant's AMA. Total canned horseshit. Look at any show he does where he's supposedly going to address some drama. Deflect joke deflect joke deflect joke deflect move on to race. He's incapable of being real.

And think of the heinous shit this sub has done to both of them. The Bam Margera photoshops, BaldOpie's never ending campaign of torment, Ant's tranny rumor, trying to force Ant to change his logo by emailing Guinness. You think these two geezers would open up to any fan, much less one from this sub?

And for your question below:

why are we all still here 2 years after the show ended?

We're not here because Opie and Anthony's story is a fascinating tale. We're not even talking about their past. We're watching their downfall and fucking with them. You're vastly overestimating people's interest in them and their story.

I don't mean to be a dick, but I just don't think the result would be good.

If you can write a chapter like you said, and put it out, you may prove me completely wrong, so I'd say that's a good route.


remember unmasked and all the interviews they did? they lied through their teeth for no reason or just to sound cooler


Unless it goes straight to audiobook not a single fan will buy it. We're illiterate.

Read by Big A.

I think you could actually focus on the WNEW run. A rise and fall type story and make a compelling book. They were the last shock jocks who took the format to it's most extreme levels and then with one event they changed the industry.

The XM comeback, K-Rock years, and then the later XM years aren't that interesting. Tons of great comics came on and a great CBS deal that didn't work out long term so they returned to a comfy XM deal for 5 more years until the Anthony thing happened.

The O and A audience isn't really that huge to sell a successful book to. But if something is a good story people could get interested and it doesn't help that there is a decent fanbase behind it.

The book could honestly be 4 parts.

1- How they met and their Boston years how hack they were. Contrast it with the rise of the shock jock format in the 80's and 90's.

2- The Arrival to WNEW and them figuring out what makes the show work from 98 through 99. Contextualize it with what was going on with their take over of WNEW.

3- The Ascension to the hottest show in New York during 2000-2001 and their syndication deal taking them nationwide (Making them a big deal nationally). Rivalry with Stern along with the shock culture that was big at the time.

4- Sex for Sam, the aftermath, and getting kicked off the air to how their careers never really recovered. How 9/11 shifted the culture more conservative.

5- (If you really wanted to do the whole 20 years, I think you could actually end it with them getting paid to sit home after Sex for Sam). The return to radio via XM and then the generation of comics that came up with them, why the CBS deal didn't work out (The internet changing the shock jock format), the death of Patrice, and the last years of the show, to Anthony's fall coming from the political left (Shift in culture, the right got them fired in 2002 now the left ended the show).

There is a rise and fall story there. Could be interesting. I would certainly be interested.

Why the fuck would you limit 2004-09? So you could give a whole chapter to that time they played The Eminem Show? WNEW wasn't that interesting until the last year.

I'd probably pay $20 for an ebook like that if it was well-written. The beautiful thing is that you don't really have to do interviews for material. It's mostly here on the sub, you just have to build a narrative around it. Also, you have to mention the fact that Anthony fucked a tranny.

This should be the title,

Dassabesso: From Shock Jocks to Sad Cucks. The Rise and Fall of Opie & Anthony Show.

Chapter 17: Ant bangs a tranny in his asshole

Unless there are popups im not interested

I would.

And hi everyone.


Miss you too, lover. ( . Y . )

Maybe 1/4 of this sub would be interested along with the o&a staff, it ends there.

Behind the Peckas: The Opie and Anthony Story

Forward by Bam Margera

Back cover: "This book was amazing. A supermodel read it to me while her friend was blowing me and I was in a fistfight with a shark." - Tucker Max

Unless it's a cookbook then no.

Yes do it!

Go for it. See the Peter Steele biography that was independently released by using the email to Kindle methods.


Howard Stern couldn't release a successful book even if it was filled with confessions of child molestation. Now understand the fact the only people who still listen/appreciate the O&A world are unfuckable hate nerds like yourself and I.

There's no way a book could be interesting or successful enough to write more than a few chapters about without having partisan chapters about how much of a faggot Opie has always been and how much Anthony/Jimmy have become faggots.


You aren't Howard Stern or Jim Norton, you don't have any more info than what's available. And if you can't get any interviews with these comedians then I'm not sure what you're bringing to the table.

I didnt read any of that, and I wouldnt be interested in a biography at all, but if you did a Mr Show book style book with behind the scenes stories and pictures and detailed accounts of big show moments and how they came to be and what everyone was thinking during them Id buy that for sure. Like a coffee table style book I guess.

Yes i would buy it for sure

I would buy.

Sounds good to me.

it's it's full of illustrated homoerotic fan fiction, sure.

You could write the BTS story of a radio show no one cars about and sell a few copies but if you want to write a book that people would talk about I think your angle into this book should be about the modern phenomenon of toxic fandom. If you can write that book you could get just as much attention as the "So you've been internet shamed" guy.

Forget the O&A story. None of their stunts or drama are all that interesting after the fact (and don't get me wrong, that's fine, radio is supposed to be a transient medium) - tell their "Story" in 4000 words and get it out of the way. The way to make your book relevant and to tap into the zeitgeist and something that people who've never heard of O&A might want to read is to spotlight the rise of the phenomenon of the rise of the toxic fanbase in society by specifically showing how it happened with this show. Tie in some other examples of toxic fanbases (they're out there, god knows) and you've got a bestseller.

Do I have to think about everything around here?

Hi, I'm stoned.

But this would require more research than YouTube and Wikipedia. Pretty sure op isn't feeling that.

There are better examples of toxic fandom than a bunch of aspies posting the same 8 inside jokes on Reddit.

Believe it or not, this is a resounding yes from the community.
As long as you include the narratives found to be true in the past few years


How you write the fucker first.

You're sounding like an "idea guy", this sounds okay, but will probably never happen.

I'd read it either way.

first things first, u need to set up an indiegogo page

Sure I'm always looking for cheap toilet paper.


You know people here. Your pitch was too long didn't read for most of them. How you gonna get them to read a book?

Only if Opie or Anthony wrote it and told all the untold stuff.

Didn't they have a book ghostwritten for them that never came out?

Please do this you wonderful autistic boy, you


I'd buy it. Fuck 900 pages though. Make it 300.


It would be a decent book. If t was done well, and if the author had access and cooperation...Id throw in for it.

Nah. I liked the show when it was live daily, but outside of a few clips, I really have no interest in anyone on the show now. And I feel like the diehard fans already know enough about their story and scandals throughout their career together. How many times can I hear about "then they said the mayor was dead and they were promptly fired"?



Foreword by Greg "Opie" "Nigger" Hughes

I think you found your true calling in outing the reddit posters who also have the delusion that people would like or pay to read their rundown of O&A bullshit


I'd be interested in one by somebody with a history of publishing this kind of book, or an inside perspective on the show. Not by you dude, sorry.

I'm writing a script that's (loosely) based on O&A as we speak.

And no, I'm not loying.

This is gay

Go ahead with it

Not written by any savage from this sub

How the fuck would you know faggot you're not even part of this sub.

I'd pirate an ebook. Pay for one? No. Why? The truth will never get past their lawyers - and if you publish it without vetting it with lawyers, you'll get your ass handed to you.

I'd like to see you document Ant's heart issues, and his lawyers not respond. Getting truthful, accurate stories out of anyone is going to be impossible - they'll either lie, if they still work in the field and want to keep working in the field, or they don't know shit.

Honestly, unless they write it themselves, I couldn't be bothered, as it'll be rumor, inuendo and fiction, based on the 'truth" they presented on a radio show, and fan bullshit.

I've freelanced in the music industry for years. I've personally witnessed things that have never hit the media, and know the real reasons why certain things happen - and none of it will be public knowdlege until the careers of all involved are done, certain people are dead, and the statute of limitations has passed, for some stories. It will be the same talking to anyone with real inside knowldege of the show.

That's the kind of story I'd pay for - and you'll never get, because you weren't there. You'll be printing rumor, at best - and lawyers love shit like that.

Bear in mind, too, most people still don't have a clue who they are. They had NO west coast fandom, until Sirius, and even then most of their listeners were east coast. Howard got his books sold because he was on the air in LA and SF and all of the maor markets, and was a regular on late night TV. I know maybe two people in my life who know who the fuck O&A are. So I don't really think there's a large enough market for this book idea, considering how much work will need to be done to vet all of the stories with lawyers. See, that's one of the things having a book deal gets you - access to their editors and lawyers, who will fact check a book like this, so you and they don't get sued into oblivion.

If you aren't an insider with stories we haven't heard and rehashed here a thousand times, I wouldn't bother reading it.

I'd read it, but you will never actually write it you fucking failure.


A talentless board op met a decent impressionist and they became a radio duo, 2 scandals later they were on Satellite radio with a little known stand-up comedian who likes tranny fucking. 9 years later and one rant about savages broke the duo up. The board op goes back to putting on the same shitty show he used to do on overnights. The impressionist starts a podcast, slowly goes broke, beats his girlfriend and cops a plea deal. The End.

What book is needed? One side of a 3x5 index card could cover their career. And on the back side of it you could put a chart to figure out tipping.


No, sorry, I wouldn't read such a book, let alone buy one.

Reason? Because Opie, Anthony and Jimmy are not groundbreaking, interesting, brilliant, or influential enough to warrant what you are describing.

They are three moderately competent radio guys who got some notoriety from doing wacky and outrageous antics, and saying things on the air most people won't say in ordinary company.

Just because they've made some money at it doesn't mean they are important. They aren't.

But if it is your calling, go forth and good luck. I promise I won't pirate your work.

I think anyone who'd be interested enough to buy it already possesses an aspie level of O&A knowledge.

I will only support this project if you hire Bobo as your editor.

does it come in a roll up format. i dont want to leave any bruises on her.






You can if you join us over at Panera friend. Career progression, paternity leave and a semi rock solid retirement plan too.



*know thanks

Chapter 17: Ant bangs a tranny in his asshole