This sub is like Project Mayhem

0  2016-07-02 by goldstandard32

Holy shit you guys are barooodal.


More like Project Gaymen, am I right girls?


I came here to post this, you stupid fuck.

I'm tired of all this 'parallel thinking' bullshit.

You can have it, buddy. It means more to you.

Thank you

I'm straight as an arrow bud. Please refrain from spreading rumors.

Party pooper.

Heh, Danny actually said this in earnest in one of the drunk Ant threads.

And it gave me douche chills when I read it. No wonder he gets bullied by faggots with 50 Reddit accounts.

yeah all the chip stuff is real edgy.



Except we're a bunch of degenerate alcoholics and drug addicts who are too perpetually lazy to get past the brainstorming phase.

project mayhem if everyone involved was robert paulson

More like Project Gayham!


More like Project toss the salad of a retard against his will in an abandoned textile mill

We only did that to make up for calling him a nigger and spraying windex in his eyes.


Thank you