anthony's little feet did some damage

65  2016-07-01 by cbanks420lol


You can clearly see the damage from the heels of Anthonys moms shoes.

Mommys shoes

Mom's spaghetti?

dinner on the wall already

Ribs broke, eyes are wetty.



Upon further investigation into this image and the markings viewable upon the defendant's arm, this court is able determine to within a reasonable degree of certainty that the assailant, one Mr. Anthony Cumia, was indeed wearing Mommy's shoes.

Electricity will now be passed through your body until you stop being such a pissy eyed little faggot.

*Allegedly. Anthony dindu nuffin he a good boi

Turning his life around.

Goin church, spreadin the lawd's word.

just goin' to the court and pleadin' better


Is she taking Ant to civil court?

No she's not


dassabesso jussa stompin and kickin

I just laughed in a public restroom about this... I hate myself.

this thread is the greatest



Only an SJW Cuck would fall for this

Edit: I was only jokin'

Are you a PROUDBOY ?

Is it infected? What's up with the white around the laceration? That nigga Ant stomped some staph infection to that meth head.

She's so useless she can't even bruise right.

I guess that's what drugs do to a crazy bitch body

What kind of fuckin pose is that? Is that her hand? What's her face doing? Why isn't this more obvious to me what it is and how I should be reacting?


It's a mark from the heel of mommy's shoes.

Which camp was she liberated from?


I remember CQ texting it in and everyone busting out laughing. I still don't get it

When was this?

Thank you



So many Anthony fan bois downvotin everything here trying to bury it before everyone wakes up and this hits the top of the sub

here's a shot from another angle and you can really see the damage

creamy white, delicate yet..... masculine.

I'll say! He kicked her breasts entirely off!

Can't kick something that wasn't there to begin with off

You aren't very bright, are you?

Maybe she was on fire and Anthony was trying to stomp it out.

she's the type of bitch who would get tangled up in a wire farm fence and gets cigarette burns when she takes a piss, it wouldn't surprise me at all if this was to save this lollipop shaped broad from killing herself.

Does ant still have non AA type sponsors? This is NOT Good

Jeez have a milkshake or two

Or how bout a malted milk and a grilled cheese, am I right!


We all know Anth didn't do this, it was his boyfriend.

I think Anthony got hard looking at a body that resembles a 14 year old boy.

Tell her to post her x-rays of her fractured rib and her hospital docs so the Cumia nut clingers can feel like bigger faggots for white knighting a 60 year old alcoholic pedophile.

*Edit - Screenshots of prosecution docs:

stemming from a comment made earlier by the victim about a former dating partner of the defendant

The fight really was over Sue hahaha

Yeah I remember Dani confirming that through you. Anthony gets really violent when he's outed as half a fag! Didn't want to end up dead in a motel room with a pool cue up his ass.

Name and reference game on point.

That's really the best part. Being called a racist child molester didn't bother him a bit. But when we found out he had a boyish looking boy for a side piece he lost his shit.

boyish looking boy

Boyish looking proud boy, I do believe.

The hospital docs were shown on the news like when it first broke they had screenshots of the pages

Yep. I saw them. Still the top post on this sub is a bullshit story from one of Anthony's leeches calling the hospital and the D.A.'s office liars? Yeah, Anthony isn't important enough to risk their careers to frame for a crime he didn't commit, you fanboy losers.

*Edit - Screenshots:

She told the police that the phone Ant smashed was worth 900 dollars?

Maybe if it was the 128 gig Iphone 6 an she bought it without a contract like a year and a half ago, but that seems pretty damn expensive for a phone.

I think was a gift from Anthony. Someone posted a Periscope of her showing all of the expensive Apple shit Anthony had bought her.

Yeah, but you can't destroy someone else's property just because you gave it to them as a gift.

Since it was her phone and worth over $250 it got him the 3rd degree criminal mischief charge.

Exactly, and it's one of the charges that stuck in his plea deal. Maybe he confessed he broke it to the cops without realizing it would be another charge against him.

I assume they had enough to bring that charge without him confessing to breaking it. They responded to a domestic disturbance, she said that he broke it and that it was worth $900 dollars.

Her word and the broken phone given the circumstances was enough to add the criminal mischief charge.

Ant: Officer you don't understand, she was treating me like a nigger in my own house.

Seeing his landlines torn from the wall jacks probably didn't help him either.

Yeah that got him the 4th degree criminal mischief charge. Beating on a woman is fucked up enough, but then ripping out the phones and breaking her cell so she can't call the cops? Goddamn what a mess.

"Intentionally disabling a communication device when someone is attempting to seek emergency assistance from someone else in order to protect themselves or someone else from imminent physical injury."

Her trying to call for help was a moment of clarity where Ant saw his future and worst nightmare, him in handcuffs and the State of New York confiscating all of his guns.

Beating on a woman is fucked up enough, but then ripping out the phones and breaking her cell so she can't call the cops? Goddamn what a mess.

[british accent] It was just a li'uhl ruckus!

Man iPhone 6 64gb in Aus is around 1200

Everything is a rip off in that shitty country.

Post it or stfu

Hahaha it shows his address

tss Tell us how ya really feel tss

Is she one of these broads that wears a fake engagement ring so guys don't hit on her? I say she should have been wearing an engagement gauntlet so guys don't hit her! I'll see myself out.

Gollum has been obsessed with that ring for quite some time.

she looks like she should have armpit hair.

the pose on the left is terrible just look at her left hand, and the way she holding onto that fag on the right upsets me

It looks like the blanket monster is trying to pull her in to the underworld.

Ant bit her hand. Yep, bit her.


If her eye ain't black, your abuse is wack.

That might as well be a mosquito bite or heroin injection point.

This is what i imagined when I heard about the vicious stomp

Is that a fucking lesion?

She injected something baddddd

Those are obviously track marks from missing while shooting up crack cocaine infused lemon juice. Had to burn like a bitch..

I don't understand the picture? Is she hugging herself?

Need someone to comment the whole timeline of cumias demise and I need this post to hit the top of /all and I need it now

It looks all serious and sad situation until you couple it with the audio, laughing, joking about seeing her flat teats, insulting the cops who were there to help.

Looks like they got into a slap fight of some sorts, and Dani was probably beating anth up a little so he pushed her over the ottoman and she braced her fall but landed hard. That's why anth purposely brings up 'I thought you were gonna trip over the ottoman like dick van dyke. The lawyer was on the phone before he periscope occurred. Ant tried to set her up with her a scenario for court and it worked.

Maybe he tripped and ripped all the phones off the wall while trying to catch his balance.

So, you're saying this happened:

And as Dani was tripping over the ottoman anthony superman dove towards her to catch her so she wouldn't get hurt and his gun slipped out of the holster and slid underneath the couch.

Separate incidents

Come on guys, downvotes? That was sheer brilliance, I think I solved the case!


She never claimed it was fractured or broken after the video. She said she was mistaken and that it was just swollen. Maybe you're getting it mixed up with her ribs?

Ballwasher was losing too many precious Internet points and deleted his comment.

I didn't know she clarified the hand injury after. It negated and made irrelevant what I said.

You're a career edgelord who posts daily for upvotes and project your constant karma-checking habits onto others.

You could've edited your comment to mention that instead of deleting. Stop lying, fag.

"Whoops, sorry guys, got new info that changes things, Thought I'd let you all know!" The only thing faggier than that would be to actually respond to my taunt in this hidden comment thread. You care a lot about your reddit status and view others behavior through that lens, you fucking nerd

Write another essay about your boxing fracture nobody gives a fuck about, you white knight of grown men.

I'd rather build a self-esteem career around karma points on a reddit site dedicated to senior citizen former shock jocks.


Do I even have to click your name to see how deep you are in this? How much this means to you? We both know.

Say more things.

People who click these hidden comments threads and read through them entirely don't need anything said about them they don't already feel


I upboted Carly, we're still cool. Smooches

She's nuts. I wondered if she did that to herself. Yep, I'm white and right. Fags.

You really seem to be invested in all this shit. When it finally all tumbles over a cliff you'll be the one who feels the wind on your fanny the most.

Shut the fuck up, faggot.


It's funnier when Jim says it. Why are you so salty this morning, sports fan?

That's Nortons wackiness

No need to be rude.

He has a point though.

Shut the fuck up, faggot.

Post it or stfu

Only an SJW Cuck would fall for this

Edit: I was only jokin'

She told the police that the phone Ant smashed was worth 900 dollars?

Maybe if it was the 128 gig Iphone 6 an she bought it without a contract like a year and a half ago, but that seems pretty damn expensive for a phone.


Electricity will now be passed through your body until you stop being such a pissy eyed little faggot.

Hahaha it shows his address