Collin Quinn looks almost unrecognizable in A Night at the Roxbury (1998)

38  2016-06-30 by youfuckmymother


He's got Gandolfini mouth going on.

It's a hairline situation.

i clearly recognize him

That nigga looks the same

I recognize him

a hard 7

Tsss i bet ur talkin about ur fawkin peckah or sumpthin u faggot!!

Pretty sure that was Vos

vos did claim to be a 'high 7' and one point but hard 7 was what colin referred to himself as before sneezing in jimmy's car like a disgusting animal

Like a more handsome Gerard Depardieu.

with FAR less money and no relationship with Putin

That we know of

if colin and big A got a kid it would look like Gerard Depardieu

Gerard Depardieu

I just googled that nigga after you mentioned him because I hadn't thought about him in 20 years.

Holy Fuck.

His acting was pure shit in this.

He definitely grabbed his ass.

Did you just grab my ass?

Looks like a talentless Bruno Kirby.

I just remembered that Bruno Kirby was dead. RIP.

I'd do him,twice

I hope you're collin your mom for a ride home...tss...ts

kinda looks like Scary Perry

alot of sadness in those eyes

Fucking fatso.

holy shit that movie fuckin sucked