Dani now claiming Ant is going to kill her.

2  2016-06-30 by Dennyislife


Private account, retard.

Dick pic and I will send you a screen shot of it

i would send a dick pic but im a fucking idiot and my dicker account is protected so only some people would be able to see it

I didn't ask you.

She's such a dumb cunt for not just proving all this shit she is saying if it's true. I hate how illogical weak boned hoes are.

An Olson twin? Best she'll get is some meth'ed-up, Tulsa street walker... Fuckin' Olson twin. Gross.

Yeah, she doesn't need mental help at all...

Wow. Anthony is really trying to win us back.

Private account ya English wanker

Why the fuck are people not following this babbling cunt?

I don't have a twitter account, and I probably never will.

some of us only use twitter to follow trannies and the ruling is still up in the air with this one

Haha, wow. Can't believe I haven't seen this before. The Seinfeld bass at the end had me fuhhhhhhkin howling.

hahaha these videos with torrance are so good


i'm just gonna go lie down on my floor right now and laugh at anthony's misfortune for a bit

Gotta be the same guy who made them right?

I nearly spit bud light all over my gun. twice! Holy shit lmao

Dude! This is hilarious. Love the Seinfeld theme down the stairs

The Long Island Strangler lives!

edit: He better livestream it. I might actually re-sub, then.

only opt for the 1 month sub in this case!

Anthony may not be the most levelheaded or sane person in the world but I am willing to bet that he's not nearly dumb enough to harass her let alone contact her. He looked incredibly defeated on his show the other day when he was told her shit was still in his apartment in boxes. He just went back on Red Eye and he can get his guns back eventually (I think?). Even he won't fuck this up.

He should do it "for da show"!

He probably should. Maybe if he does with some style we can get a "OJ: Made in America" type documentary made about it in 20 years, or at least a Investigation Discovery episode.

I am not saying she is a crack head.

I'm glad I'm not a judge I wouldn't know who to believe

This is going to end well.

She's going to go out Godfather 2 style: Killing herself "because Ant made her do it".

Its deleted....maybe she changed her mind

Maybe Anthony killed her and then deleted it himself.

Fingers crossed.

I'll go with that

siiiiigh. Why couldn't she have ended up with a good young boy like lil Jimmy Norton instead of getting all wrapped up with that sponge-faced gentleman who confused that little, adorably crazy crazy brain of hers with big political thoughts and truths. She should have just ended up with that nice little charming pervert; A little piss play and pegging never did this to anyone.

All she needs is a little fake love and support and she'll be on this sub spilling the beans and begging for our acceptance.

i cant stand the mentally ill

He can't...according to Twitter, shes protected.

Did she since delete her account? Pretty sure I followed her but it says she's gone

Seems so. She's sobered up I guess

It does appear she's harassing him like she shouldn't even be talking about him

So where are the nudes of her... I know they have to be out there.

well she periscoped her pussy and someone screencapped it.


She should marry Ben Sparks.

Or just do what he did. For 8 years of annoying someone he got 4 days of community service

Apparently the lack of attention and gold digger money is killing her.

Guaranteed Anthony still loves her and misses her so much. He is a sad pathetic old man and that goofy bitch is the best he ever had or will have.

I am sure he is still trying to smooth things over. Loser of the highest level.

the best he ever had or will have.

Looks wise, the only one worse was his wife. Behaviorally, Dani's 10x worse than the rest of the psychos put together.

Not to Anthony. There's a reason she got him worked up enough to get physical when no other broad has.

He's pathetic. He would just be a faggot if his dad didn't shame him so much.

Anthony realized he has dropped below the point physically and financially where getting hot 17-19 year old girls to come hang out at his house is no longer feasible. He's desperately trying to get her back because after Dani the best he's going to get is Linzbella.

I've never seen a hot one that was dating Anthony. Always sad gross girls. Which is especially shameful considering when girls are that young they are automatically better looking.

All the attractive ones were never around long enough for photos, immediately realizing what a mistake they had made. The homely girls with low self esteem always stuck around to be his pet.

That's quite a leap to make. I remember a picture of 4 young skanks in the hot tub and they were mostly fat and all gross.

I've seen photos of decent looking girls with him one time only. The attractive ones know they can do better.



Real faggotry is the tragedy that is Anthony speaking to a woman.

You'd understand if you had any experience with a lady.

I don't have a twitter account, and I probably never will.

He probably should. Maybe if he does with some style we can get a "OJ: Made in America" type documentary made about it in 20 years, or at least a Investigation Discovery episode.

some of us only use twitter to follow trannies and the ruling is still up in the air with this one



the best he ever had or will have.

Looks wise, the only one worse was his wife. Behaviorally, Dani's 10x worse than the rest of the psychos put together.