For someone who's worked in radio since he was 18 why does he think Vic is a good listen?

0  2016-06-30 by Dennyislife


Because Opie.

Because he laughs at Opie's "jokes".

As well as his own. Really hard at his own. After he says the joke 2 or 3 times before someone acknowledges it.

I hope Vos destroys him.

Southerners are usually interesting people who are always doing wild and crazy stuff. Vic Henley can only tell stories about things other people did.

What about that time he stole the Klansman's hood and wore it to school the next day? Hoo boy that's some chicken-fried wackiness!

Maybe to a boring upper class new yorker titty boy southerners schtick is still enjoyable

Holy shit, the show's twitter feed reads like an annoyed and disaffected Gregg's contributions post.

"Denny is discussing his past radio jobs"

"Cheers Intro"

Year old news stories with zero context or point.

A formerly famous international premier broadcast with 117,000 "followers" getting 3 likes and 2 retweets. What a stinkeroo.

The first time I heard him was Jocktober a few years back, and he was one of the only comedians I had to look up who he was because he was so annoying.

I do love the falcone zone. The rest is a husk and should be shucked.