Dani was live on Periscope talking about Anthony harassing her still

25  2016-06-30 by GRIZx


Hair chopped off, flophouse apartment, jittery, weighs 90lbs... "This is going great"

I mean i wouldn't complain about living in an apartment like that in New York tbh

I'm not talking about the size. I'm talking about trash stuffed underneath couch cushions, old food on the coffee table & a meth-head's graffiti on the walls.

she looks like William Fichtner now



Staggering around in a druggy haze and a cheap dress like Sharon Stone at the end of Casino. Hope it ends the same way for her.

Agreed, a Golden Globe would do wonders for her self esteem.



In the end, all she had left was 3,600 in mint condition coins.

Sounds like she broke even, the dirty whore

Someone should give dani a hot dose and take her mint condition coins

Brother Joe, Fred from Brooklyn and Dennis whats-his-name were going to start working over Lester Diamond but they got too winded and had to take a nap.

she seems like a nice stable young lady.

Are you kidding? She clearly has issues.

Oh literal I_Hate_Knickers

Maybe someone should get her some tissues so she can go cry about it or sumptim idk I'm jus riffin.

I know what you want me to say but I'm not gonna say it. Live with dem blue balls.

Did you say "stab-able"?

She looks like DJ Qualls.

They will find her dead in that apartment within a month or two. It might take a few weeks to find her because they are used to bad smells coming from there.

Good lookin out. The skank deleted it seconds after you backed it up. Wonder what she was gonna say about jimmy

I think someone must have called her, because the stream froze but it still said that she was broadcasting.

feeuf, you are a saint.

Rachel maddow is bitching about rich white men and insinuating that she might be into women? get out.


This has legs fam, I bet feminists on Twitter would eat this up like it was cake.

What a complete and utter thunder cunt. It is truly BAFFLING that Anthony was with this women. BAFFLING. How blind can one man be. Holy fuck Anthony deserves what he got. He needs a HUGE fucking wake up call. Anybody who would let this psychotic slut in to their life deserves whatever hell she brings. Holy fucking shit Anthony, jesus fucking christ.

Anthony's not exactly a prize pig himself. He was with her because this is all he could get. He's a disgusting-looking man with alcohol and pill problems who talks about nothing but right-wing talking points, guns, and 40 year old pop culture references. He's also 65 years old and is related to Joe Cumia and his friends all look like Fat from Brooklyn.

You know what, you're absolutely right

They deserve each other

Exactly. They're both trash.

'human garbage'

"Long Island"

Yup, Ant's standards have basically fallen to any chick who is as young as possible and not overweight. Girls like Dani are all he can get at this point. I bet he'll give up and start paying for hookers after this.

Honestly, amongst all of his transgressions and faults, his biggest sin is being brother to Joe Cumia.

Anthony said himself that he goes for the trashy young girls with daddy issues because they fuck good. Though from what Stetten has said, if she is to be believed, mostly they just sat around and watched Seinfeld episodes and barely fucked.


Not pressing charges when you're assaulted doesn't make you nice. It makes you a fucking liar with no actual evidence wanting to play the victim. I don't believe ant really broke her ribs anymore. Or if he did he's an underachiever. This thing needs to die. If you aren't going to press charges against your assailant why even call for help in the first place. What reason does anyone have to believe you don't enjoy having your ribs broken. Why am I even commenting on this. Only Dani posts should be news articles about her early death.

i have doubts about the broken ribs but anthony 100% harassed her after the arrest. bear in mind anthony is someone that would custom made an opie waifu pillow so he can punch and made love to in front of his retarded minions to feel like a mans man

Hospital records they showed on the news say she had broken ribs

So NOW people question her motives......

Not pressing charges when you're assaulted doesn't make you nice. It makes you a fucking liar with no actual evidence wanting to play the victim

Wait, are we talking about Anthony or Dani


I couldn't go 10 seconds. I flat out don't care what she has to say.

Fuck this whore.

I so would.

We're supposed to pretend we wouldn't

Some of us legitimately don't find Ms. Skeletor attractive.

Attractiveness has nothing to do with fucking. For proof look back on your own sexual history.


God damn cliffhanger. So she's saying that she's been nice, but the senior citizen won't let it go and keeps bugging/harassing her then suddenly the "AAAAND" w/"our pal jimmy". I wonder if he's kinda had to be in the middle of this shit whenever some drama horseshit happens/she brings him into it to try to talk to ant or w/e.

I'm sure Dani put Jimmy as in the middle of this retarded mess as possible.

I'm starting to feel that Jimmy enabled a lot of her victimhood just based on the fact that his support gave her some street cred in the matter. One "get over it!" from him would have defused a lot of this nonsense.

It probably would have kicked off a bunch of other nonsense, though. "Some people who I thought were my friend....."-type nonsense. I think she actually did go there before. Ugh.

I just don't know why people shake their heads at Anthony hooking up with her, but not at Jimmy for befriending her. At least Anthony was getting sex. What's Jimmy getting? Her scintillating conversation? 30% off chicken wings at The Stress Factory?

As retarded as banging this skank is, befriending her is 1,000x more retarded. Jimmy has to pretend she's an actual person with genuine thoughts and real feelings.

He really is a sick maniac.

Well he's friends with her dad and he's watched her grow up, soooooooooooo…

Sureeee I did.

Jimmy was probably planning on fucking her himself at some point or at least hoping to fuck her. So he was grooming her and laying the groundwork all the years he knew her, joking with her when she was a kid, probably making little off color remarks and sexual innuendo and laughing so she thought he was kidding even as he was planning what he'd do once she finally gave in. And then Anthony swooped in with his millions and his cement pond and fancy wop house and took her away. Poor Jimmy. A decade long work got shot to pieces in a matter of seconds when Anthony met her on the radio and started drooling.

All that effort for that

does norton even have any male friends? hes so beta hes praising some dude who was fucking his opener just so he can have the slightest chance of getting to suck that jizz out b4 it reaches the womb

Why would he? He is a disaster as a human being.

matt serra seems willing to hang out with him for a paycheck, as does gregg hughes of the gregg hughes broadcasting corporation

Yea but they're not that close.

"and our pal jimmy... " what`?

I think she's excited for his cartoon!!!

She probably donated to the Chip cartoon and is still waiting for her perks.


I'm guessing that he believes Anthony over her

I think it's more that he's playing both sides.

Fence riding Jim? That's so out of character for him.

she was definitely going to say something about jimmy not coming right out and saying "fuck ant" but still supporting her behind the scenes ...(cause he wants to fuck her, nothing more)

Ant and Jimmy? Confirmed she has a cock.

Yimmy didn't support her when she needed him the most.

Guessing black eye was annoyed Ant was back on red eye?

Well, this is going to end in a murder-suicide. I'm just not sure who'll be doing which.

This girl is sooooo fucked up and crazy. From her weird little manic girl mannerisms and constant changes in personality to her distorted versions of reality. Now I don't watch Cumias show but I'm guessing that if he ever brought her up it would be on this board immediately. I haven't seen him mention her once, meanwhile she literally throws shade on him on a daily basis on Twitter. Then add that she chopped her hair off in a classic case of crazy girl with identity crisis move, and she's actively making herself look uglier (I used to find her kind of attractive cause I can dig the skinny white trash look-but that hair is awful). There's just something very very damaged with this chick. Also how old is she like mid 20s-early 30s? Anything older than 25 is absolutely way too old to be this much of a mess and act the way she does.

That twitchy hand shit reminds me of people who've been on a meth bender for days at a time.

Yeah her whole style is "meth chik", but she's trying to kick the habit by substituting NA with Lena Dunham pig feminism

By this point Anthony has so many people on his team of leeches watching him and what he says and does publicly that any harassment on his part is probably done on the sly or by his pack of sycophants.

And of course she's damaged. She was dating a guy that was 30+ years older than her and acting like a little girl to satisfy his sick fantasies. So right away you know she's got issues of her own. But don't doubt that being with Anthony and being around his insanity didn't send her a little farther along the path of being a nutjob.

Someone in another post mentioned they were baffled that Anthony would be with a chick like this, as if he was totally together and a great catch for a woman. But all he is, is white, or whatever the fuck race he is, trash that fell into some cash. His mindset is still what it was when he was poor and seeing his dad skip out on bills and rent and steal shit. He has all the issues he had when poor but they are now amplified because he has money. Few beers a day when you're poor becomes 10 times that and more when money isn't an issue. And all his odd behavior and mannerisms would be amplified and made worse especially when you see who he surrounds himself with, his lazy bum of a brother and a bunch of former listeners to his radio show. So none of them would have the guts to tell him no or that he's wrong and that is exactly what he wants. He wants a reality that is his and his alone to control. That is why he wants younger women because they are easier to mold into what he wants and make dependent on him and his largesse. A woman closer to his own age brings her own baggage and knowledge and probably won't be bowled over because he has a tiny karaoke stage, a small pool and a rubber dinosaur in his yard. He's living in his own version of the Neverland Ranch and he controls what happens there and no one will be allowed to change it.

So yeah she's a piece of work but being with Anthony made it a lot worse than it probably was before she met him. Neither of them is innocent in all of this but he's a little more guilty because he obviously did fuck her hand up. At this point all but the most loyal and die hard Anthony supporters here know that he is a radio tough guy but in real life shrinks from violence. Just the type of person to take his anger out on a girl he thinks he controls and owns. So it shouldn't be shocking or a surprise to anyone that he is still bothering her behind the scenes. We all know he's the type to do it.

Ant is a millionaire, famous and has game and super friends. I think he could easily live in 9 town on that.

Ant is a millionaire, famous and has game and super friends. I think he could easily live in 9 town on that.

I'll give you the millionaire part, although I don't think it's as many millions as it was 2 years ago. But still enough money to impress some women.

Game? What game does he have? His game has to be the millions because beyond that he has Seinfeld quotes, old movies, hatred of blacks and video games. In short, he has no game. At least no game for a mature woman who knows what she wants in life. He does appeal to 15 year olds that he grooms online and buys stuff for but that would fade as soon as they meet him and realize he will quote Seinfeld and shit like that incessantly and they've probably never seen that show in their lives. Oh and I am sure they'll be bowled over by his tiny swimming pool, rubber dinosaur and karaoke night with his drunken sycophants and family.

Super friends? Huh? Who? "Hey sweetie I want you to meet my brother Joe who you will see here a lot, especially on allowance day, that stuttering prick is Big A, if you touch him he'll cum in his pants, over there is Fred from Brooklyn, he pretends to have mafia connections but he's full of hot air and that's Keith the Cop, he's my houseboy, show producer and general ball washer. Now and then you'll meet other fans of the show who have sucked up to me enough that I let them come over. What? Oh you thought you'd meet Colin Quinn, Daniel Craig, Jay Mohr and other famous people? No sorry they aren't my actual friends, they just do my show when they have something to promote and lately they haven't really been coming on much."

Oh yeah, Anthony is the catch of the century. He can score some solid 5's and the rare 6.

I think I'm detecting a little bit of bias in your assessment.

She cut her hair short and looks like Gollum. That Anthony beating really drove her to becoming a full blown bull dyke.

Urgh, enough with this fucking mess.

Ugly, dumb and annoying. That's the trifecta. How could you destroy that disaster of a life? If you robbed her, you'd just end up tidying up.

Making daddy proud, I'm sure. jesus.

She is absolutely terrifying.

I knew the bitch was trouble, when she was sitting on Colin's lap, babbling about how she has Aspergers. I blame Keith for not taking care of the situation immediately.

She said she had aspergers?

Get oooover it ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪

Who the fuck writes on the walls of their home? Is this a thing?

So she's still not going away then? Shocking. I mean, usually these money grubbing attention whores just go away.

What???? No they don't....

Oh literal you

So much to talk about with just 2 mins 55 secs of video!!

What's wrong with your phone that you can't use a front-facing camera like a normal person? Love the broken mirror in your "great apartment!" And you...painted the furniture?

I'm not sure why she thinks "we can just end it there" when Anthony has been dealing with all the professional and personal fallout because of the Periscope video and will continue to for at least the next 6 months.

I think the poster that commented about the cutoff at the end is right that she got a phone call, and that call was likely from a person screaming "What are you doing??? Get off of Periscope and delete that immediately before you ROON IT!"

What Anthony (and Keith) should take from this video is: 1) Anthony had better make sure he's fully protected at this juncture. He should never be alone and/or away from a surveillance system and likely should take out a restraining order on her because all it's going to take is for this crazy person to either come to his house or his studio and confront him and then claim he came after and attacked her or for her to end up dead from her own reckless erratic behavior/choices for his life as he knows it to be completely OVER!

2) She will self-destruct of her own accord without Anthony's help and it will be glorious, satisfying, and fulfilling. That or her dad will take his pal Artie Lang's recommendation for a great "vacation" spot in Florida! ;)

And you...painted the furniture?

She's channeling her inner BL. Next she'll be yelling "FUCK YOU FEZ WHATLEY!"

Anthony has been dealing with all the professional and personal fallout because of the Periscope video and will continue to for at least the next 6 months.

Oh see I thought he was dealing with the fallout of him beating a woman.

No matter what part she had in it, nothing excuses him hitting her. The black bitch hit him and he took it like a pussy because he was scared of the black guys nearby. The skinny white girl mouths off in his house and he fucks her hand and ribs up. She's trash but he's a punk for attacking a person he knew he could beat up but shrinking from a black woman who assaulted him in public and he then ran home and cried about on twitter and bragged about everything he "could" have done.

nothing excuses him hitting her

Nothing, really? That bitch is cray.

All it takes is her getting physical with him and him restraining her to stop her from hitting him to cause bruising; look at her physique -- a breeze can bruise her.

So no, I don't think he hit her. One only needs to look at her long-running pattern of drama queen Periscope videos and Twitter posts to see that she is somebody who craves attention and repeatedly paints herself as a victim.

Broken ribs, strangulation, and whatever else she's claiming simply did not happen!

Something happened to make them pursue charges against him. She was sent to be examined and whatever was discovered medically had a bearing on the charges. If I recall correctly something was said about there being damage to her ribs. If they had found any evidence that she had attacked him she would have been locked up as well. Her hand was fucked up. Even as skinny as she is if she had hit him hard enough to do that to her hand then she would have left a mark on him. So if she didn't do it hitting him, what happened to it?

I defended him when this shit first broke, I was one of the ones that thought he'd clear himself by producing video footage of her attacking him or showing she came over to his house with those injuries. But as the days and weeks went on it became more and more obvious he did something to her. They are both scumbags but he did something to her. And he's doubly at fault because as a man he shouldn't hit a woman but also as a celebrity, however minor, he should be even more on point to protect his rep especially after the Times Square incident.

The political climate always has bearing on if the state/city/whatever is pursuing charges against somebody when the victim isn't. If whoever's in charge is currently on a big "we need to punish domestic abusers ##% more this term", that's going to push even baseless cases forward. I hear enough about this kind of stuff on crime podcasts that I listen to all the time, overzealous, over-confident DAs and detectives setting their sights on what they think is an easy "that guy is definitely guilty and should be punished for something" scenario, rather than hard facts. Their narrative can't support that the little waify barely legal millennial is an aggressor against the little helpless old Italian guy .

I think the medical evidence is bruised (not broken as she keeps saying) ribs and wrists that are consistent with a tiny drunk slob flailing uncontrollably.

I do agree they're both scumbags in this situation for sure though. But what happened in Anthony's mansion that night is nothing more than two sloppy drunk trailer trash people stumbling and slurring through a bender.

Her hand looked legitimetly fucked up. He fuckin smacked dat both around.

Cumia was talking about getting his NYC place back again a few days ago, and that Dani had left some stuff there, and Keith had to figure out how to get it out. Keith mentioned that they were going to move it down to the cellar of the building.

He's also quite pissed about have to attend and pay for a series of batterer's anonymous type meetings as a condition of plea bargain. I think he said it was 12 meetings at $180 a pop.

I wouldn't be surprised if the both those things contributed to this new round of stuff. Perhaps Henchproducer Keith has to play go between, much like he did with Jill Nicolini.

I took two things from that video.

1) She needs to clean that shithole before the roaches take it over if they haven't already. And if the landlord sees that scrawl on her wall they'll probably kick her out.

2) Is she trying to look like Anthony's dream partner? Feminine but with a short boys haircut.

TL:DW in case you want to know the dirt:

Dani claims Ant has continued to harass her and is not sober, take a few shots at him being a hopeless senior citizen with lots of time on his hands.

Implies she's getting laid but it's more of a joke, but maybe a subtle jibe that Ant doesn't eat the groceries.

Video cuts off when it sounds like she's about to criticize Jim.

Thank you, I couldn't make it past 20 secs, I was about to relapse

eat the groceries

You mean vagina?

Yeah it's black slang.

I'm hep to the jive soul brother.

Stalker Patty millennial edition.

Looking good. What do you say to your hair stylist to get that haircut? Make me look like a victim? She takes ZERO accountability of her role in all of this. She knew exactly what she was getting into and still went after the "Senior Citizen" and his money. Young snatch always comes with a price.


Yeah you don't really have to take personal accountability when your lover responds to an argument by breaking your bones, you fag.

Yeah maybe she can tell her landlord that she's a victim of this alleged abuse when she gets evicted. Sprawling schizo shit about eating pussy on her wall is ant's fault because he is a meanie.

Let's just stick to things that have actually happened, not your cringey fantasies about her life.


She needs to get her shit together or go to rehab before she completely fucks her life. 6 months ago she was reasonably hot, now she looks like a gross junkie and not attractive at all.

I don't get female psychology... I've seen the same routine from girls before who've been in some kind of shitty domestic situation. Instead of addressing the issues: repeated contact/harassment, they stay silent and let it trap them over and over, then they snap with some big exposition about just trying to be nice and not push it etc etc. Shit doesn't go away by just hoping it'll change.

It's not 'female psychology'

It's 'people with daddy issues.'

There are well-adjusted women out there, Dani is not one of them.

She was outside the TACS studio in NYC harassing anthony. She is trying to bait him into a Violation Order of Protection

I told you that NYC studio would bring in all the guests!

You guys are bitching about this girl like you can get a great girlfriend you can also beat up. You should still be blaming Ant's love of crazy chicks and his desire to make them crazier.

This periscope video is far more scarier than the original one. I feel like she needs rehab more than Anthony.

Her hand gestures are enraging.


Am I the only person who thinks that she's mentally retarded & that Ant actually did go out and beat a mentally retarded person?

There's video of anthony hitting bobo

Rich cunt don't wanna eat, fuck er.


My god she's foul. I can't believe anthony was ever with this psychotic cunt

Assuming there is a "no contact" order. Do you really think Ant would risk his guns again by harassing this homely junkie?

Yes. He is a stupid person.

I don't know, do you think that he'd throw away a multi-million dollar gig because he went on a Twitter tirade about the colored folk?

No, but I wouldn't put it past him to harass her through intermediaries.

I also wouldn't put it past her to claim that Anthony is behind the "harassment" she's "suffering", when it's really just random internet ball-busters.

I think she's just winding up to sue, and to try to soften the blow of the criticism she's going to get for it: "I wasn't gonna sue, but since he KEPT harassing me, he left me no choice!"

But when it comes out that she's suing him and she gets even more "harassment", she'll just pin that on Anthony, too.

This is retardedly far from over, and she loves every second of it.

Carve into your wrist to relieve some of the stress.

The case should be dropped biased on the number of cups on the coffee table. That video made my neck itch.

Sleep it off drunk, crazy lady

All jokes aside, she needs help.

I bet Dani really has bad B.O and horrible breath. She's a nice lady.

"I turned down some of the best lawyers in America who wanted to represent me"? Please tell me this bitch ain't that delusional. She's straight up crazy with an over 9000 victim mentality.

And when she says lawyers wanted to represent her is she talking about a potential civil case? Because if she's talking about the criminal case, someone should tell her that the alleged victim doesn't have a lawyer representing them. The defense attorney represents the defendant and the prosecution represents the state.



I thought you had to press charges for domestic violence.


is she still living in Anthonys west side apartment?




Can't believe here's no clip up yet.

No clip at link.

Wow she's going insane. This is fantastic.

Would you believe anything anybody said from an apartment in that state?

So when you rent an apartment are you just allowed to scrawl graffiti all over the walls? I'm thinking no, but Dani is such a rational, sensible girl, who always makes well thought out decisions. She wouldn't do something that would cause her to get kicked out of her apartment and lose her security deposit, would she?

Someone should use a periscope to perishoot her.


first things first : fuck ant ... but she can't think of any insult besides calling him old; oblivious to the irony that she is one of the only whores who was willing to fuck him, regardless is it was for money

Isn't it irregardless?


So NOW people question her motives......

Not pressing charges when you're assaulted doesn't make you nice. It makes you a fucking liar with no actual evidence wanting to play the victim

Wait, are we talking about Anthony or Dani

i have doubts about the broken ribs but anthony 100% harassed her after the arrest. bear in mind anthony is someone that would custom made an opie waifu pillow so he can punch and made love to in front of his retarded minions to feel like a mans man

There's video of anthony hitting bobo

Hospital records they showed on the news say she had broken ribs

I'm hep to the jive soul brother.

Ant is a millionaire, famous and has game and super friends. I think he could easily live in 9 town on that.