Watching Caddyshack Drunk & I've Come to a Conclusion

9  2016-06-30 by duranfarbissina

Rodney Dangerfield was the funniest motherfucker of all time


Rodney was a rarity. Me and a buddy listened to one of his comedy albums after camping in the woods and both of us were pissing ourselves. One of my favorite jokes went something like, "It's tough out there for guys like me. The only reason I get women is because of who I am, a rapist."

Me and a buddy listened to one of his comedy albums after camping in the woods and both of us were pissing in each other's mouth.


Oh no, see that would imply that me and my friend were engaging in homosexual behavior.

It's not homosexual if it's just two thirsty guys helping each other out. Besides, it's not like there would be anything wrong with that.

I'm wishin' i coulda quit you"

No personal problems? Like being a massive coke head?

While I agree that he was really funny, I think that you should go for a drive without wearing your seat belt after the movie is over.

Sir, your name is in very poor taste

My daycare offers state of the art weight benches and the softest pillows. Would you like to enroll anyone?

Please give my 8-year old a Sharpshooter

Sir, we deal with crippler crossfaces and German suplexes only. If you want a sharpshooter for your boy, you will have to find a reddit account making fun of Bret Hart's stroke or motorcycle accident.

I instruct at the Blue Blazer Flight School, we should collaborate.

I prefer Ben Stern daycare.

People always say Pryor, Carlin, and Cosby as greatest of all time. No one ever brings up Dangerfield and it makes fucking pissed. Of all those 3 he didn't let his agenda get in the way (Carlin, Cosby) and he had no real personal problems (Pryor, Cosby) and he was always on his game

Tss fawk yeah its like he dont get no respect or sumpthin!!

Go drink gasoline

Rinse YOUR mouth with gasoline to get the dick off your breath or sumpthin

oooh you should've quit while you were ahead

Dangerfield and Steven Wright are huge sleepers in best comedians of all time lists, but idk why having "personal problems" would effect how you looked at their stand up?

I guess that applies more with Cosby (hypocrisy) than it does Pryor. You're right. But Pryor was known to smack his wife around more than a few times as well as his drug problems. Rodney never had any of that. I guess it helps when you hit fame late, though

What the hell are you taking about? Dangerfield did a shit load of drugs. Huge into cocaine

Idk...when rating stand ups I just cant imagine looking at anything other than their material and performance...I'll leave their moralably questionable personal lives to outraged moms and whatnot..doesnt factor in to their body of work to me, what theyve done on stage is how I rank them, weve all done fucked up shit, whatever.

You're right. I really am a douche

Dangerfield IS the 3rd or 4th funniest comedian ever though, imo.

3rd, behind Jeff Foxworthy and Gabriel Englacias.

But those guys aren't very funny

Not to me, sorry

Who do you think has the best morals..Pablo Francisco? Yeah..he's probably the best. Super well behaved guy.

His career ended when Don LaFontaine died.

The difference between Dangerfield and Carlin/Pryor/Cosby is that Dangerfield's style was "setup, punchline" while the other three were more conversational.

Dangerfield is just as funny as the other three, but he loses points because he had a simpler style.

Yeah but Pryor and Cosby mistreating women only makes them better.

he didn't let his agenda get in the way (Carlin, Cosby) and he had no real personal problems

i fucking hate people, not just comedians, that are candid to the extent they reveal and then revel in their persona/moral failings. i think it's one of the worst traits a human being can have.

Say more things

More things

Could you imagine hanging out with him in real life. It'd be hard to keep it together. Also norm always says Rodney was the funniest dude ever

His Simpsons episode was one of the best too.

Couldn't they get a pole for that sign?

Where He was mr burns son or whatever

No regard, no regard at all! No esteem, either!

lmao yea

This post is falling apart like a chinese motorcycle

It's all fucked up like a soup sandwich.

It's like a spider on roller skates.

(As an aside, the only one I've ever heard use "soup sandwich" with any degree of frequency is Harlen Ellison.)

A friend I used to work with told me they used to say that in the Army all the time. He could've been full of shit, but I always found it to have a funny ring to it.

"hey, you wanna make $14 the hard way?"

One of the best lines in any movie.

"Hey, did someone step on a duck?"


You should watch Stripes while high and you will want to buy an RV.

Him and sam kinison in back to school was a great scene

I never got Caddyshack.

I thought Back To School was worlds better, still maybe my favorite 80s comedy. The Sam Kinison cameo is one of my all time favorite cameos ever.

"Is she RIGHT?"