Looks like Big Amy is banned from the compound

0  2016-06-29 by Ant_Sucks


I don't care that she has these opinions it's just that they seem so transparent. It's like when some shithead actor wins a grammy and tries to "outleft" the last 12 phonies with his speech by talking about amnesty and how we need to stop global warming then flies home in a private jet with 3 other people.

I agree with her, but I still want her to be shot by a mentally ill, woman beating terrorist

I would agree with the terror watch list thing if we had a clue of how people are actually placed on that list. It would be a no-brainer then but am I on that list if I order a "banned book" from Amazon?

I'm fine with it if it only includes Muslims.

Now you're talking sense.. instead of having a national gun registry there should be a national Muslim registry. Then we can get those box cars filled up...


Great now celebrities are talking about the terrorist watch list like it's something normal. Just another vaguely defined list compiled by faceless weirdos.

The patriot act and the NDAA 2012 should have scared all of you faggots but instead you probably just did an Anthony Cumia style impression of Jesse Ventura.

I knew the shit is fucked up, theres just nothing I can do about it. And I'm not about to hang out with the "activists"

The NDAA is the main reason I want the halfrican in the White House tried for treason.

Taking a defiant stance on something that all of your followers already agree with you on. Shouting loudly in your echo chamber. So brave.

Shut up jester and dance! Fucking make funnies you fat piece of dogshit. Your faggot "boy"friend needs to pay for his vegan meals and his set of buttplugs he uses to pre-stretch his hipster pussy for your strapon.

I'm somehow banned on her account. I don't think I've ever really lashed out at her on here or anywhere else. I feel oddly accomplished in this.

The hashtag made me chuckle

The first two points I can see but, uh, isn't it a bit bigoted to assume Cumia is on the terrorist watch list just because of his race?


2016-06-29 20:02:11 UTC

I want to help keep guns away from the severely mentally ill, convicted domestic abusers and people on the terrorist watch list. #whatacunt

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I have no clue why anyone would try to have a conversation about gun control anywhere. Liberals need to abandon it as a policy, it's the abortion quagmire of the left.