Caught a few mins of Jim's advice show today and he commented on October

9  2016-06-29 by Mr702law

He said he does not know what he is going to do and said that was not a negotiation ploy. He then said something like "I have to decide if this is something I still want to do".


I guarantee if he is offered a new contract he will sign it.

Buying that new place might end up being the deciding factor. I just can't imagine that he doesn't hate working with Opie. I read that Ronnie B was on O&J this week so I wanted to tune in, and I had to turn it off because of Opie. His idiocy is impossible to ignore, and is just poison to my ears. I would do my best to support Jimmy if he left. That would take a lot of balls considering what he would be giving up.

he will be crowd funding chipper carton season 2 and 3, ted carton at the same time, so get ur paypal account ready bruh


and this is actually a negotiation ploy, hes doing the "Aw shucks you wouldnt want me to be in ur next movie would you" thing, lets see if opie would bite

Caught a few minutes or listened to the whole show naked and jerking off?

You can be honest with us. We don't judge here. We mock and ridicule but never judge.

Nor be funny or smart apparently.

Well I learned from reading your posts. Blame the teacher not the student.

And I learned from reading yours.

Teachers are saints, students are lying flirts who get what's coming on them.

The only thing that is ultimately real about your journey is the step that you are taking at this moment. That’s all there ever is

Maybe you should just sit down instead of being a sit down comedian.

Oh you silly civilian.

I hope he's referring to suicide

'Dank you, goodnight!

I hope he gets tuberculosis and dies in a plane crash.

Oh give it a rest, Jim. You wouldn't turn down this easy paycheck for anything. You had a chance to do the noble thing with last contract and you chickened out. GTFO of here with this Profiles in Courage bullshit. You're a lying worm and you always will be.

Guy just bought a new apartment, of course he'll take the goddamn money. Can't hate him for that, he didn't know that shit was about to go down so soon after he moved to a new apartment.

Worm really is the perfect way to describe him.

Yeah, his stand-up is really setting the world on fire these days, I can see why he'd be so indecisive.

I do believe him that it isn't a negotiation thing. He really thinks he might become vertebrate between now and october.

If I had to give the odds, I'd say it's at least 80% he will re-sign.

You say odds shit to people.

Nah he'll be co hosting TACS you can tell because he's been on so frequently. it's like Ants grooming him he's good like that.

It really is funny that Ant won't get a co-host because he still thinks jimmy will join him.

Well once he gets that NYC studio it's all going to turn around

Oh you silly civilian.