Has a fan base ever turned on anyone as hard as O&A's fans have?

9  2016-06-29 by cbanks420lol


John Lennon's fan.

He took him out quick and easy. That's nothing compared to the personal hell that we make these guys live each day. Bunch of phonies


Ive tried to explain this sub to people;

"So its a fan sub that is dedicated to harassing and insulting the three people it was set up to appreciate"
"Oh, like insulting in a light hearted funny kinda way?"
"....no. In a 'lets hurt them and destroy their careers' kinda way"

I can't imagine talking about this sub out loud

I told my friend who casually listened to a few episodes of O&A here and there about this place and after about 30 seconds of me rambling, when it was his turn to talk again, he changed the subject without skipping a beat. I was put on his pay-no-mind list instantly and he was just waiting for my mouth to stop moving.

I open this sub in private browsing, this sub is so fucked up but its responsible for atleast 2 of my top 5 laughs ever

That post that talked about Roland watching him piss when he was an intern and the top response being "I believe every word of this" destroyed me. Hardest laugh I've ever had from this sub.

do you recall them?

I open this sub in private browsing

Are you on your mom's computer faggot?

Yeah, its never good. Especially when they ask 'Why do you do this?" and I have to answer '.......I dont know'

I just want to see how it ends.

Bobby and Rich are right. We pretend they're all our friends. Every obvious hint of evidence that they're not (like for example, every second that goes by), makes us more and more upset.

But slowly. Eventually you get a pack of crazy allahu akhbar niggers looking for every way imaginable to allahu akhbar all those people who made us laugh so much.

It sounds like someone's still in phase 1.

A friend of mine that works at Panera is a fan of radio but never heard these guys live, and only knows them from their classic clips. I try to explain how hated all three of them are, and hated in different ways, too, and he still doesn't get it

Careers and lives... Not only them but it extends to some of their family too!


Mussolini definitely pissed off his fan base. Opie should feel lucky he isnt hanging upside down from a lamppost

50 years ago Opie would be upside down in a tree with a fork in his ass

Gregg Opie NIGGER Hughes

10-20% is sincere hate. At least 80% are attempts to make each other laugh, which is why i come here so often... :'(

*i forgot about all the autistic shitposts in here...

Not so much hate, but plenty of bitterness.

Christina Grimmie

I think this is unprecedented.

I don't think OJs fans have even done what's going on here.

Closest I can think of is No Mutants Allowed, Fallout fans. Though even they weren't necessarily turning against the same people they used to love.

No Mutants Allowed is even more vicious than this place. At least we try to make each other laugh.

What did they do? Anthony and Todd Howard do have a lot in common. They're both 5'5" disgraced women beating pedophiles.

Shit, good call. You're right though, I think the equivalent for Fallout fans would be Sirius firing O&A, selling the brand to another network who relaunch the O&A name with two jocktober hacks and a hole, but recycle enough elements of the original show to make it feel fresh for new listeners. That the new show is actually fun now and then just twists the knife for the bitter assholes who wanted more O&A.

Yes I'm a former bitter asshole fallout fan.

/r/arrow now hates the show so much they dedicated the sub to the Daredevil Netflix series.

The Dexter subreddit did the same thing for the final season with Breaking Bad.

The fine folks over at dawgshed put this place to shame as far as pure hatred for something they once loved goes. The listening threads there go over 300 posts, picking apart everything little thing on the show.

Stern (and his wife) give dawgshed a ton of material to work with. Beth averages 18 instagrams per day, all of them retarded. Stern (and that thing on his head) looks more ridiculous with each passing day. He's also getting gayer by the second.

But unlike dawgshed, this board takes action, and ironically, Gets Things Done. Dawgshedders just bitch and moan and make photoshops and gifs.

But unlike O&J, there are still some people who claim to like Stern. /r/howardstern is still mostly positive, but the show is so bad, the tide is turning there, too.

I don't think there's a positive O&J forum on the internet.

With Anthony, I don't think it's hatred; it's mostly a cocktail of pity, disgust, and disinterest keeping people away. The last three listening threads over at Anthony's sub have 7, 2, and 3 posts, respectively.

The reason for the whopping 7 post listening thread? That was the Stanhope episode.

/r/howardstern is still mostly positive, but the show is so bad, the tide is turning there, too.

to be fair, the majority of /r/howardstern (myself included) think that, so far, this has been the best year of the show since Artie left.

Nope, we're doing something truly special over here.

They make it so easy for us to hate them.

Those Lebron James faggots jumped on and off the band wagon pretty hard before getting back on again. Played like puppets because now they love him, until he signs with another team. Hopefully that will be soon. Die hard sports fans are such retards.

None as hilariously.

Other than calculated heel turns in wrestling.

Maybe Cleveland Cavaliers fans after LeBron left? That bridge has obviously been mended, but still, pretty sure no one burned their 'Opester' jerseys when Andy got fired.

Speak for yourself, I threw my OpieRadio mug at my cat.

Leave him alone, not like he ate your prime rib or anything.

i hope you accidently cut your wrists on the broken pieces


If Ecstasy of Gold and RATM played tomorrow morning this place would get right back on their knees and start sucking Opie, Anthony, and Jim's cocks immediately.

I wouldn't. It would just be a combination of two shitty shows. Quality radio passed the three by in 2013.

Well, I mean, many people strongly disliked Scorch at first and now we are all gaga over his work! That's a pretty big turn...

I hated Scorch until PFG TV. Then I was glad they did all of those boring segments with him since it got us that train wreck.

No but in all seriousness did you ever get your perks from Jimmy?

I didn't donate either but I'm still waiting on my perks.

I WANT MY FUCKING PERKS. I was hoping to trick him into giving me a RT at least.

What if you've been blocked by Jimmy on twitter. Do you still get your retweet or does he just refund your money.

Chris Brown.

Surprisingly lots of "those people" supported him. Mostly black teen girls.

Not surprisingly. They love to be bullied.


Phil Hendries fans did. He use to have a fan site called sweetfeatheryjesus and they eventually removed anything about him

One day we'll look back and realize we did not fight the enemy, the enemy is inside us. But right now Beanz is trying to repossess my soul you faggot kikes.

This isn't a turn. We're our own show now.

Are you trying to give everyone douche chills?

My asshole is completely puckered.

Tss yeah like a chilly eskimo or sumptin

yea.. yeahh that's what i was doin...


"We're our own show now". ?

Fucking ew.

It's true, though.

Even on an off/quiet day here, you'll find more laughs here than on O&J, TACS, LoS, and Race Wars combined.

Opie is "want to kill yourself"-bad at radio, but goofing on him here is hysterical.

What's going on here is nothing short of comedic alchemy. shit to shinola.

Not really.. I wouldn't call the 10-15 trolls on Reddit a real turning. You fucks are loud for a few guys with multiple accounts.. But significant?

You may call the birthplace of the Big Amy brouhaha and dassabessdoe several things, but "insignificant" isn't one of them.

We made both Opie & Anthony cry on air. That's pretty significant.