Who here would participate in a real Purge?

0  2016-06-28 by DaveNone

The commericials for the new Purge movie are running all over the place now and it got me to thinking. Would any of you participate in a Purge if the government made it legal? And if you did participate what crimes would you commit in that 12 hour period?

Just curious since everyone who isn't part of this sub thinks we're all animals anyway.

I'd probably go and knock off a few ATM's and go shopping like they did in Watts and other "neighborhoods of color" after any verdict they didn't like.

Also how deep of a hole do you think Jimmy, Opie, Anthony and Samcro Joe would hide in?


I'm counting on a purge-like armageddon once Trump takes office. I plan on eating as many rich people as I can.

Lock yourself in a vault, short the market, and if you're feeling generous trade entry to the vault for sexual favours. I'm not risking my life for a few grand in an ATM...

I love the (not at all subtle) commercials digging at Trump. Pretty childish


I'd shoot a man in Reno just to watch him die

Why would anyone in that world go to work that day and risk being stuck anywhere unsafe?

Im a klepto but not currently desiring much . I think murder may be too much, but i'd def want to take a bat & swing at my enemies cars!! ! fuck yes
