SAMCRO Joe is quick witted regarding the Istanbul airport bombing.

3  2016-06-28 by IHateSherrod


Not all Muslims are Islamic terrorists, but all Islamic terrorists are Muslims

He thinks he's making a point here, but all he's doing is exposing his own stupidity. I can't believe what a fucking idiot he is. His second part of his sentence almost literally cannot be untrue. Muslims are followers of Islam. That's what they're called. Jesus.

I hate this cunt more than I hate ISIS.

You and me both.

at least ISIS does some good in the world compared to Joe...

At least ISIS is in capital letters for a REASON.

First comment immediately blames Obama, because there's never been any terrorist attacks during a republican administration. And they talk as if liberals love Obama. Wellfare-Joe needs to get a fucking job.

Let's clarify: Not all Muslims are Islamic terrorists, but all Islamic terrorists are Muslims...

Here we have the insightful insight of Joe. Islam and Muslim. Muslim and Islam. Ellipsis.

I love his comment in the comments section:

"Joseph Cumia I'll bet African Americans have killed way more African Americans, and whites have killed more whites, Chinese have killed the most Chinese...of course that's the case!!

true diversity is a myth and people will always kill more of "their own"... The people they're surrounded by most of the time..."

Can someone please explain to me what the fuck he means?

Whites kill more whites so diversity is dead??? huh?


What does it say? It's blank.


Not all Muslims are Islamic terrorists, but all Islamic terrorists are Muslims


Too bad he wasn't the one who was "dead"

More like instant bull, am I right?

Jeff Norris is Brother Joe's FB friend? I thought Anthony disliked and made fun of Jeff Norris for being a lying hack?

/u/Auntie_D1 is all in with the new alt

Nope. I'm in competition.
