Vic Henley is delusional

0  2016-06-28 by Mr702law

Today the topic of having David Copperfield on came up. Henley makes a joke about him making his [Copperfield's] career return. Does he not realize that even today David Copperfield is 10x the celeb he is or ever will be?


Holy shit. People hated this thread.


In all fairness Copperfield is no Criss Angel.


I would bet my dog's ovaries that nobody has ever stopped him on the street and said "Aren't you Vic Henley?"


"Rachel Maddow! My god, what happened to you?!"

Chaz Bono got old, man!

Like nobodies have never laughed at someone for being a big-shot once and then fallen into obscurity. I have no idea what you could possibly be babbling about, but you sound like the type of person whose nerve gets nicked whenever someone goes after David Copperfield. For some reason.