Huh? Brother Joe

0  2016-06-28 by [deleted]



Jesus, I wish I had all that free time.

Me too, following Joe and posting all of his junk here must be a real time sink.

Mobile reddit makes it easy


This is the man that pays children to spit in his mouth for sexual reasons.

Cumia Scandal Update: BroJoe sleeps nude in an oxygen tent which he believes gives him sexual powers!

His scattergun APPROACH to using capital LETTERS is baffling and infuriating in equal MEASURE.

That and Joes arbitrary use and misuse of apostrophe's everywhere.

Brother Joe is what is right about America. He represents the working class, he stands up to corrupt government, he gives the middle finger to the establishment. You people shouldn't be tearing him down, hell I think Brother Joe is an American hero.

His use of quotation marks really makes me wish that he'd suffer from colon cancer.

Must be nice being a layabout.

I wish that were a real gun pointed to the mouth.

He really needs to get a job. What a repetitive bore.

Jesus this isn't even funny anymore. I'm starting to actually feel bad for the guy.

Brother Joe appears to be Alex Jones. If Alex Jones was more racist, believed 100% of the shit that came out of his mouth, and was less educated...

Not even going to touch the SAMCRO or U2 thing, too easy.

If you feel the need to write this:

Opinions, both Pro and con, are most welcome as long as your response is thought out and worth reading. "you suck!!" and "you're a dick!!" Are not examples of a constructive rebuttal.

near the end of one of your numerous rants on Facebook, maybe it's time to hang up the old keyboard and go outside for a little bit.


That's a lot of capitalization and quotation marks for someone who claims to use voice to text when posting this manure.

OK, who set the random word generator to Conservative?

Oh wow, cars ARE just as dangerous as guns! Even more-so! I don't know if I should sell my car and find a job within walking distance to my house, or just start carrying guns to work.

Like Ant, Samcro is far too emotional when it comes to politics.

That and Joes arbitrary use and misuse of apostrophe's everywhere.