Stanhope's most recent podcast shows why he's still one of the best out there

15  2016-06-28 by IfHeLovedMeHedVacuum

The 'There Will Be Blood' story is classic. I'd assume we all listen to his podcast, the only consistent content out there (not including the recent Comedy Store swapcast where Rogan drowns him out with bullshit...and the swapcasts he does with girl comics he wants to fuck)

This episode includes: cuckold story, some tranthony mentions, and a death chant for a goat.


It makes me so happy that he's never learned how to pronounce "Cumia."

I'm sure this is a popular opinion, but I'd fuck Bingo

Bingo looks like a trannie....the female-to-male kind

I always found her to be the right mix of psych ward and rainbow child with a dash of "gee shucks". She would be fun to do coke with but you wouldn't want to stick around for the hours of crying in the morning.

What's going on with the area near her left armpit? It looks like she has an underarm vagina.

Wow. Her ass is actually phenomenal. I'd def fuck her if she left the rabbit mask on.

Phenomenal, dude? Really? O&A really does attract white trash

Blue hair's better

She looks like a man.

She is so white trash disgusting

I would to friend, I would too.

I don't listen to any podcasts. I'm cool like that

I've been burning out on the podcast since he spent half an episode reading from Bingo's (soon to be published) unbelievably awful asylum diary and gushing about how brilliant it is.

Also all the killer termites shit is gross and juvenile. They were talking about some Bisbee resident who doesn't like the Stanhope contingent in town and said "You shouldn't feel afraid, you should feel protected." Yuck.

Anyone remember opie reading from his brothers MySpace and laughing, trying to say how hilarious it was. while patrice and ant sat in complete silence? Was excruciating

He was being over the top sarcastic with that "you should be afraid" bit. You must not listen to the podcast much if you didnt pick up on that.

They need to learn to get right into whatever the topic is. There's so much boring shit at the beginning sometimes. I had given up on this episode until now.

I used to like Stanhope but the last few times I heard him he was.....very douchey. I was surprised because all you ever see are 'Doug tells it like it is' posts but I found him to be.....I don't know....more pussy than I thought he was.

Bingo looks like a trannie....the female-to-male kind

I would to friend, I would too.