Chuck from North Carolina is an Opie fanboy

2  2016-06-28 by Mr702law

I used to find him mildly entertaining but he called in last week and he mentioned Jews and he said something like "you know Opie, how you say Jew juh" and he said it a few times as a call back to Opie trying to create that during the Stangel run. Nobody thought that was funny and there's this retard asking for more.


I agree, and would even go so far as to say that he might be an employed shill.

The middle part of your sentence looks weird. Maybe I'm just drunk.

It's a bit of an overly wordy phrase, you're right.

Some prep burger employee


*retard. I hate politically correct auto correct

He's been doing it for years. Like every thing this idiot says, its not his, he stole it from Borat.

Anthony stole it first,and did it properly,then opie stole it from anthony and does it wrong


"and there's this regard asking for more. " You fucking mouthbreathing Regard!

I liked Chuck until the Ku call. I don't find Ku funny at all, but the fact is she was teasing him and he acted like a butt hurt pussy.