If you're wondering what happened to that """OFF TOPIC""" thread I made about the fat comedian, I definitely didn't delete it. Anyway, anyone remember the episode of O&A where they discussed censorship?

0  2016-06-28 by Ant_Sucks

Does anyone remember which show that was? I believe Patrice said "That's definitely not a thing I would do!".

Then Jim said "But those anonymous assholes just say cowardly shit behind their screen!".

Then Ant said "But you know, heheh those assholes are hilarious. You gotta let them say it".

Opie went to a caller who said "I can't believe that's happening now. I hate censorship! That's some bullshit!".

Opie disagreed with the caller and cut him off because he was off topic.

Patrice reiterated that he would never do that, and I definitely remember Opie saying that he's all in with the censorship. Anyone remember which Opie and Anthony episode that was?


What the devil are you babbling about?


Literally nobody is wondering about it.

Exactly. Nothing to wonder about, except what's new in the world of Opie and Anthony.

What thread? you can still link to it, it will be in your history.

Yeah the mods are a little delete-happy here. I personally dont see the need to delete anything at all, even literal spam. Its not like the same shit doesnt stay up on the front page all day, anyway. This is too small to need "moderation".

what about those threads with all the doxxing infos