Jimmy showed you all today..

0  2016-06-28 by Mr702law

I am pretty sure he told a story today that at one point he says he was in a place to buy crack. And to think you all rode him for years saying he never had a problem.


I think he's using real addict's stories from AA. He probably only ever attended because they were an easy audience to practice his stand up.

Fuck you, Jim Norton. I hope your dad molests your nephews.

"Id rather be a fake somebody, than a real nobody" talented mr ripley

Well, if you put it that way. Godspeed with all of your future endeavors, Mr. Norton.

Jim's dad sounds just like Uncle Paul.

I distinctly remember when vos and Anthony talked about coke and crack years ago Norton said he never did crack or blow.

He also says he's not a fag

Hes said that he smoked it before.

'Have you ever done coke?'
'Done it?! I used to smoke it!'

How weird would it be if our criticism of Jimmy actually pushed him into a crippling heroin addiction.

That would be awesome. But knowing jimmy it would be a crippling peach schnapps addiction.

I have a question for the people that keep saying Jimmy isn't an alcoholic. Are you like a Marine that is questioning the legitimacy of someones rank in the military? Like stolen valor for drug abuse?

Yeah kinda, Ron Bennington was the biggest degenerate piece of shit for decades and he did properly fucked up stuff when he was using. But he doesn't act like 1/10th the addict Jimmy does.

I love those stolen Valor videos

More of a beheading guy myself.

Kinda hard to take someone seriously as an alcoholic if you are in your 50's and quit drinking when you were a teenager... THEN to go on and preach about AA like you know what's best for people who have been hardcore drinking for decades? It's pretty condescending.

Just because he's a pretentious asshole doesn't mean he's not a retarded drunk. Bobby Kelly quit shit when he was in his teens. I just don't get why people still find it funny or poignant to say jimmy isn't an alcoholic anymore.

Call into his advice show if you think you can catch him in a lie. Then maybe we'd get new information instead of the same old speculation.

I believe Jimmy when he says he had an unhealthy drinking habit, and I believe he's better off not drinking. But his basic premise- that he knew himself well enough at the age of 18 to know he's an alcoholic- is a lie. No one has themselves figured out at that age. And he's based almost his entire personality for the past 30+ years on this one original lie. And he's used this lie to pontificate and condescend on the radio. That's what bothers me about him. He really is kind of a fraud.

Maybe it's a matter of opinion but I think if you can successfully go through 30+ years of life without drinking then you are no longer an alcoholic. I smoked weed daily for three years when I was in high school then quit when I was in college. Does that make me a pothead for life? I don't think so.

If he wasn't so fucking preachy about it.

It's like seeing someone who did 1 night in jail for unpaid parking tickets speak to 'troubled youth' about the dangers, pain, & hardships of doing hard time in prison.

He didn't know LSD was acid, he's the worst drug addict ever.

Does he keep adding to his stories? He only has talked about booze but then i heard him say mesc once when asked by a guest.

Pretty sure he said on TACS he was worried at one point that he'd never be able to laugh again without taking mescaline.

He meant asscrack.

He has mentioned using crack numerous times. Who,hasn't smoked,crack 100x better then coke