This fat fuck comedian got caught using fake accounts to "harass" herself.

33  2016-06-27 by Ant_Sucks


They want to be victims so bad they create their own assailants

Almost as bad as that fat cunt with one arm trying to make a big deal out of Ari Shaffir making fun of her on his special. It was such a transparent attention grab that no one even cared.

transparent attention grab

How she gonna grab something if she ain't got no arms?

Dat don't make no sense!

More proof that there's not a woman on earth who's organically interesting.


You say weird shit to people dude

Odd shit. He says odd shit to people.

I knew that... we're just not that close.

/u/Tom_Stall needed you that day!

His name's Joey Cusack

Just using your inuitition? Get it?

After all, everything said here is 100% the sincere truth. No absurdist comments here at all.

We're scientists, really.

We all work at the Panera Bread Research facility.

U work at Stalls diner

I make some money on the side testing new types of bread and see if it gives people diarrhea or not.

Fucking misogynist hate nerds amirite?

You are about guys fuck weird, women.

This is almost as autisically interesting as the -100 alternate account man of our subreddit

I miss ben72. Maybe it's him, but I remember a time when the guy seeking attention could put a sentence together.

I miss /u/libsarementallyill. His was a special, spastic form of autism.

OA_redditlivesmatter or some shit

Oh, man. This is fucking rich. Her "comedy" that she posted is making fun of small dicks but don't you dare body shame her gurrl uh-uhhh! She's getting BTFO in the comments too. Dumb, uninteresting shitbag she is.





Melissa Stetten (Anthony's ex) got caught doing the same thing. Women are fucking stupid stupid. Good find though, OP.


When you can't be successful on your own you must feign oppression in order to achieve success.

I 'debated' a feminist on YouTube once & noticed some other chick chiming in to praise her bravery while shitting on me. Sure enough she was so dumb she had the same photos of herself in both google+ accounts connected to each YouTube account she was using.

When I called her on it, she immediately deleted the pictures on her alt account & then accused me of 'stalking' her by having clicked onto her public profiles.


That's the giveaway right there. Normal women don't call feminists "brave". It would be like if you were debating a guy, then another guy chimed in to say he had a really huge penis and must have lots of girlfriends.


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She's doing it for publicity dumb ass.

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"The official reddit app. Now on iphone and Android".

Sweet! Thanks for the heads up.

This sub is getting pretty gay.

We all work at the Panera Bread Research facility.