Really sucks if someone is falsely accused

22  2016-06-27 by [deleted]


"I was accused falsely..." "How many times were you accused falsely?" "Thirty seven!"

"Hey try not to get falsely accused on the way through the parking lot!"

Coming from the guy who claimed " &$;;-: " did not mean nigger despite the ";;" representing the 2 g's.

I suppose he is still playing the victim card after beating the shit out his girlfriend, and being loose with his guns. Losing his job due to shit he drunkenly spewed online, but it is everyone elses fault.

Rehab did nothing for him if he feels that way.

Stop blaming others for why we fucking hate you too.

fuck if you're going to use the exact number of characters and use a distinct character for each letter, just type nigger, you *%$$&. Probably didn't wanna get fired, though, so he thought up this enigma machine code. Pretty smart.

"Too real?" oof

I prefer the term individually placed accusations.

Those ribs broke themselves.

It really would suck if he was falsely accused.

It happens more than people care to admit.

I think it would be hilarious.

He didn't even deny it when she was broadcasting it on periscope. He's a dirtbag pussy loser. Toughest thing he ever did in his whole bitch life was hit that 100 pound girl.

Think of what an even bigger pussy he will be without his guns.

I can't agree my sister just accused me of jerking off to her Facebook profile and boy do I wish I was falsely accused.

She sounds hot,do u mind recording her while she shits...appreciate it,bud

I'll say it again, how convenient that he now believes people get falsely accused or charges trumped up against them when he's spent years mocking "others" who make that same claim.

Whatever happened to the twitterbot? That was the only way I could see Anthony's angry ramblings since he blocked me 3 years ago.

Anthony probably blocked the twitterbot for saying something mean to him.

Really sucks if a Panera employee is falsely accused.

anth didn't do nuffin he a good boi

Say what you want now, you'll never not be someone who plead guilty and no one will ever forget that.

Typical black criminal response from our boy Andy

It makes me laugh that some people still think that corpse-with-a-slit made the whole thing up. During Nick's phone call talking about Vinnie's feelings about Ant, it was obvious Ant hasn't even been suggesting he dindu nuffin. The whole attitude has been "Ho boy, haha yeah, I guess that fucker's not too happy with me these days!"

Not even Fred from Brooklyn truly believes he's innocent. It's just something you say in public like coloreds did for OJ and Michael Jackson to be nice.

But a lot of them had Big Whitey Conspiracy to keep their hopes up.

You're right about Ant though. The people who clicked 'completely innocent' in that poll probably just saw it as pissing off libfags who don't agree with Ant's politics. Like a monkey with 2 buttons in front of him, 1 good 1 bad. Or Miracle Max. "Wait. Wait. I make him better, Humperdinck suffers?"

"Libfags" boy that's creative AND funny

its funny how all these info has to be squeezed out of him, rehab is court ordered, court ordered wife beater course etc. btw where can i find the post about the poll? thx

He's a LIAR

Could she sue in civil court though?

Yes, but she has said she is not going through with that.

i think he meant "if"

Birds of a feather flock together

Anthony was fucked over. I've been arrested for DV you alway's have to plea. Thas why they charge you with 3-4 counts. They hold the felonies over your head unless you plea to the misdemeanors.

Anthony probably blocked the twitterbot for saying something mean to him.