Does anybody else find Vic Henley annoying? Majority of the time I find him to not be funny.

40  2016-06-27 by notJT1025


Guy who goes out on safest limb ever.

His feet are still on the ground.

the limb is a nub, and he's standing next to the tree with a thumb in it.

does anyone here think Opie is a no talent hack? I dont know sometimes I just dont think he is very intelligent.

opie stinks, amirite gang? don't want to ruffle any feathers in this subreddit for his fans

Be prepared for massive downvotes. That opinion is extremely unpopular here. Vic Henley is up there with Colin on this sub.

I know, what is this guy thinking? Vic cracks me up when he chimes in with gems like "I know, right?" And really makes me think with comments like "yeah".

Vic isn't for everyone. He's a thinking man's comic with witty lines like "that's a good one" and "that was funny". Brilliance!

He's so good he repeats every punch line a few times just in case it goes over your head.

Civies don't get it


Don't forget his sizzling comeback: "you, too"!

Exactly. He's definitely the opposite of a talentless turd with nothing remotely funny or interesting to add.

He's still better than Sherrod.

So is my hemorrhoid. That doesn't say much.

Well, sir, there's no real way if confirming that. Just let ollllllld stupid Vic have this one.



I hope Vic Henley gets decapitated by a helicopter

Wow, that is quite the Vic reference sir

that might be a good joke today, just make sure you don't say it to Morrow.

Everybody calm down, lets not lose our heads over this. Or our shoulders.

You guys are in the Zone tonight.


Vos fucking destroyed him in 30 seconds. The first thing he said was "I walked in the room and I swear I thought you were a lesbian"

Then Vic made some remark back and Vos goes "Shh, The real comedians are talking here"

It was great.

To be fair that "real comedian" shit is all Vos ever says. It's because he's insecure about his relatively shit career considering how long he's been in the business.

I've seen Vos a few times in Buffalo and Rochestee and his problem is that his act is strictly a NYC act. It's hard to travel with. Big Jay is the same way but has a much bigger following. Vos has a decent following but each time I've seen him walk a few tables, a couple of them being Asian tables after he made a flat face joke. He won't gain any new fans on the road if they're not already a fan to begin with.

Thats actually quite brutal cuz Henley's been in the business for a while and has done stand up and writing. Theres no other way to take that then Henley sucks

I don't know if you knew this, but he's friends with Ron White.

remember when bobby lee called out vic for doing a fake southern accent? classic

I don't have many strong opinions on the guy, just that I cum at the thought of his funeral.


his laugh is infectious! HA HA HA HA !!!

I can't wait to see him hosting the aids virus.

He's called Vic Henley for fuck's sake.

If you met him in real life, tell me with a straight face that you wouldn't immediately prejudge him to be an unfunny colon polyp.

In this case your prejudice is absolutely correct.

I would expect him to tell me about all the can't-miss deals going down in his Fors dealership.

Fors do make fantastic automobiles.

Some people just prefer Chevt.

Yeah, I know. I'm on mobile and the edit wouldn't submit.

Live from Lew's Cruise from itunes everybody! not from Spotify for free. Includes a topical joke like "Sarah Palin Joke" some pretty newish stuff there.. 2013 that cd got to the Amazon store. Big deal!

BTW Bonnie calling him out for speaking like a normal person off radio got Vic hustling for some old story about someone really fast. that panic in Vics voice was priceless XD

vic henley is my fav. when he constantly brings up his friend norton, who isnt jim norton i always get super excited.

I can't believe I'm saying this but I find Henley almost worse to take than Hughes. My God, maybe I'm dumbing down but it's Henley's loud obnoxious laugh whiling jamming his tongue in Dopie's ass that gave me brain cancer. Or, it could be his a.m. radio ability to talk incessantly, quip on a dime while guffawing at whatever ANYONE says, including himself. Did I mention that I've never laughed or even chortled at his verbal miasma--not once, ever. Thank you.


So does Wikipedia. Doesn't make for good radio

my buddy norton

Here is the link where Bonnie makes Vic panic about his fake accent:

Think around 1:57:00 or so, to save anyone from having to listen to this pile of shit.

Bonnie comments on how Vic completely makes up this southern accent, and Vic lowers his voice and sort of speeds through a "yeah it's totally a character I made up a few weeks back" or some shit like that

Ron Bennington can make him funny sometimes. The Opester had zero ability to bring out humor in boring or unfunny people.

Vic is a twat,not funny in the slightest,he's Sherrod but white.

Majority? I say all the time. I can't stand his accent, his watery mouth, and his "I need to answer every question posed into the mic" personality.

You're not breaking any new ground here. Sherrod is infinitely worse.

On a side note, since the "dassabesso" scandal, Sherrod has not been back on the show. Speculate.

Pretty sure he was on the following show after they played the song.

Yep. That's when Jimmy called him out over Circus Ole and then gave him a quick Dassabesso.

Isn't Sherrod also filming what is going to be an awful TV show? With Christian Finnegan?

He slipped right into the "laugh at every fucking thing in studio, even if it isn't funny" role that the Stangles used to hold.

The noise Vic makes when he laughs annoys me.

tss I hate his righting tss fawk yeahh chippah!

I still can't get over the fact that he isn't colossally fat. I had this mental image of him based on how he sounds... not even close!

I hate it when people think this is a sub for people who still listen to the show. What the fuck is a Vic Henley?

You still listen to the show? You're doing it wrong.

You still ask this question

Well if the show is so bad, why do people listen to it?

Personally I don't think it's half as bad as people make it out to be.. . But if you want to belong in the Cool gang.. You have to say it's morning zoo shit.

From what I understand, his brother played football and they know Charles Barkley.

He's just as funny as Tom Pappa but with an annoying stero typical redneck voice. It's akin to Sherrod saying he's black every other sentence.

While I don't find Vic to be hilariously funny...he is at least intelligent and pleasant and knows a lot about music and media etc...He'd be a helluva lot better HOST than Opie that's for damn sure.

He should stick to what he is best at, ring announcer for gay sex cage matches....

ME: Ohhh, a callback! (as if no one noticed)

I watched that movie last night...

Hahaha. He's wonderful. He's terrific. Hahaha.

Well you're in the minority here pal. We all find Bic quite amusing.

I like Vic. He knows stuff. I like Kevin Brennan too. So there.

Wonderful, tremendous, amazing, fantastic. These are just a few of the adjectives Vic will use roughly 1,750 times in a single show.

When a comic only promotes some old shitty cd and not much else, he pretty much stinks and has nothing going on. You can also listen and hear for yourself too

This is pretty controversial pal.

What else is on your you think Gregg Hughes has breasts?

I'm sorry, am I not aloud to ask questions?

Vic Henley is the worst human on the planet

Perhaps you didnt know that his brother played RB at Auburn. If you did, you'd have a different opinion of Vic. He's from the south, ya know.


He tells unfunny stories that also Lead no where.

I think we've been over this...

hi FORCED, inorganic "REDNECK RENAISSANCE MAN" character fucking makes me sick

hes like a STUPID PERSON trying to embody a COEN BROTHERS film

People actually go to this fucking guys shows?