Why can't Opie say "Three"?

8  2016-06-27 by swejeht2

that is all


Why can't Ant say finger?


Finger Things with Mike something

I might watch that if it was free and placed directly in front of me.

I would watch my sister being raped by niggers if it were free and directly infront of me

Look at this guy, just needs his container 'a coffee and a snuf film placed in front of him n he's happy

statuotory rape... your little sister loves the blackmen.

I know I filmed the videos

Fawkin homerun chippah!

It always kinda bugged me how he'd call himself out on it but he still didn't know what he was doing. He'd make fun on himself by saying "finnner" but that's not how he says it. He rhymes it with "ringer." As if he's talking about something that "fings."

This is a question that ABSOLUTELY needs a fucking answer.

He doesn't have the correct amount of chromosomes.



Opie + Lyndsi + Bam = 3

Why can't Opie say "put"?

He's stupid.

Birthday. Not birfday.


Or "fugitive".

I know I filmed the videos