Opies Facebook

1  2016-06-26 by olebillyredface28

Literally every post he does will only get like 20-40 likes but his Facebook live of nothing but waves at the beach got 600 likes? That can't be real people liking that, has to be fake likes?


he should try going "UNDER" those waves...... permanently

the amount of 'LIKES' generated by that might very well shut down Facebook

I forgot where I heard this but someone was explaining how Facebook Live gets accessed by many more people than just the fans or followers one has FB.

I think he blocked me from it. It wouldn't update at all.

When you find the answer you seek, please do not hesitate to inform us. This is indeed an intriguing but perplexing conundrum. I trust you will investigate this matter thoroughly. All I demand is that you separate the wheat from the chaff.

Or perhaps he has faith my son?

Within thy self enacted and strong; torrented, weakened, burdened by wrong. He did protest but did so unsound, for all about him He was abound.

Hey stay in your thread

My love is all reaching my son.

I shall follow you wherever, forever.


You aren't Colin Quinn. I don't understand why that's so confusing for you.
