I go to NA and AA...

12  2016-06-26 by PeckaFactoryForeman

Court ordered, but...

After 2 years, and 2 meetings every week, at different churches, etc, with different age groups...


Dope heads yeah. But never...ever...an alcoholic.

Jimmy is a liar and a fraud.


The expression "in vino veritas" - "in wine, truth", has been around since Roman times. It has lasted to this day because there's at least a modicum of truth in it.

If you're depressed and you get drunk, you'll be more depressed. If you're pushing down rage while sober and you have a few, you'll be looking to start a fight. If you're basically happy with yourself and get shitfaced, every stranger in the bar will suddenly become your best friend.

If you pretend to be straight but actually want to suck cock and try to masquerade it under the excuse of "I like trannies and there's nothing gay about that", maybe you'll quit the truth sauce asap and continue living a lie.

When I get drunk I like to shitpost on 4chan and masturbate to camgirls. Where's the truth in that?

You're a trash talking wanker?


Glad to have been of help.


jim only drank as long as it got him attention... when he was 13 it was shocking so he drank (allegedly) ... but by 16 his drinking and drug use was boring and normal ... so one day he started saying " I'm in recovery" when people offered him a drink because it got attention.

Nailed it

So concise and so accurate.

I think he fooled himself rather than lied. It's bullshit either way.

The way Jim talks about his drinking is what most average teenagers do and most of them end up fine, he just needs something to identify himself with.

There is no reason to ever quit drinking anyway.

I'm kind of an alcoholic and I'm 19. AMA? I was one at 17 too I guess.


Why ruin your life already? You had so much ahea...

who are we kidding here, open up another one.

no money. had to buy cigarettes

Smart boy. They'll kill you before the booze does.

He wasn't an "alcoholic". He stopped drinking coz when he's drunk his creepy needy real self comes out. Listen to his stories about taking a knife to himself coz he thought someone didn't like him etc.

We should be trying to get him on the sauce by all means possible, maybe this time he'll go through with it.

And how is your sobriety my son? Have you taken a stray path from righteousness? Have you been tempted?

Pass unto me thy burden son, pass unto me thy pain; for I am but He to you as He is to I, a healer, burdened, again.



Sobriety sucks, but better than the alternative.

PS - Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned.

How long has it been since your last confession my son?

On or about February 9, 2001 in the Lasch Football Building.

Goodness, that is quite a while but we can take as long as you need.

Do you have something you'd like to confess?


I'm afraid I'm busy with the other fellow but if you wait I'll happily take you next my son.

No, by all means help Joe. I will continue to wander the desert ... damn bushes burning all over the fucking place

Indeed. Although no vegetation grows there it's comforting to know that cuss words are a plenty.

Please, my son.

God bless you.


I am forgiving but I do have standards too my son.

this has run its course mate, stop now


We all started drinking as young teens I assume. You can't really be an alcoholic until your mid 20's, there are a few exceptions of course but not many.

You should have a beer to congratulate yourself for stating the obvious.

Did you have a junk problem too?

what about older moors? See any of those?

Surely you mean the Moops?

Its,possible he was there booze. Late 80's,early 90's lots of booze and crack. Heroin wasn't as prevalent back then. Going to,rehab isn't a pissing contest, people go who,think they have problems. Jim obviously has addiction problems but since we are all drug counselors here we all know more abut Jim's issues then we do.

I think he lies to himself more so.

Like when he talks about how attractive a woman is.


They have ANON for teens. The fuck, ya think they would bring a 17 YOA into a gin blossom party? The little shits would worship our war stories of how we woke up with puke matted in our hair ... good times!

do you really not think that he was going to have a problem eventually with all the stupid retarded shit he did when he was young and drinking?

AA/NA always talk about how the cause of it all is a spiritual malady or whatever, and that drinking is just a symptom. Do you not think that jimmy had something wrong with him with all the self cutting and throwing motor oil on people and whatever other stupid stories he's told over the years? Yea i agree that if you evaluated every 17 year old who drank they would all show symptoms of being an alcoholic because that is just how most kids drink when they are that age but are you really going to deny that like him or bobby kelly were even worse than that? Because yea most 17 year olds do crazy shit when they drink but the stories they have told went a little past the norm.