Does Opie really think all Android phones are called Samsung?

35  2016-06-26 by Bibimbap4211

He's not the brightest




Tss Samsung what's he in a band or sumpn?

Go to break fatso!

win ya hit a home run ya got letum run wit it. give em a chance to breathe.

That's a pretty good one chip

I remember one episode jimmy brought in an old computer monitor to see if anyone wanted it cause he was getting rid of junk and anthony was making fun of it because it didn't even have a "usb connection." He meant HDMI. They're all fucking morons.

Some monitors do have USB ports on them. Maybe he meant that, since he's the most tech literate out of all of them.

The man loves technology so much he wants to buy iPads and laptops for 14 year olds girls, trying to help out the younger generation learn new things, such a good guy

The man loves technology

Especially transistors and transducers.

He showed me how to install Windows Vista

One of the only true O&A viral videos.

Opie still is mad about that one

Not as much as Sam's viral video. That one really stung.

That feeling when everyone has a viral video in the studio but you, and they don't care about having a viral video in the least.

Even fictional characters got a niggas ribs hurtin' today:

Jesus Opie is terrible in this otherwise funny segment.

Jims too, forgot about that one.

no he was referring to the fact that it presumably had a vga/dvi connection (they were joking that it looked like a serial port) and then inferring that usb was an a/v cable rather than being for data. I quickly searched for the clip, but it's not exactly a classic piece of radio.

White glove faggots

That's what's particularly disgusting to me. He got some kind of hookup, some fucking how, and that bald piece of shit didn't even take the time to pay attention to the special session that reps took time out to give him.

Which clueless fuck nominated Opie "bag of tits" Hughes for white glove treatment in the first place???? Hope you die of a genital warts infection

He's doing good by them by calling them Samsungs tho, if people know it's all the same shit and the China man can sell you the same shit for half the price

Maybe he knows but just shilling and fucking

Opie is on the same level as the "apple phone 5" girl from Sam's viral sensation.

Didn't those people buy it to sell on eBay

Let me shorten and answer your question. Does Opie really think?


Well most people do...

The fact that dolts like Opie think this way means Samsung is doing its job. It's not iOS/Android. It's iPhone/Galaxy S.

He is trying to be a company man, remember when Samsung gave them the white glove treatment (that phrase still gives me douchechills).

I bet they in passing said call them Samsung phones not Android phones and he still does it, thinking someone at Samsung cares or even listens.