"I'll personally take responsibility for...Brother Joe its Sunday just stop

11  2016-06-26 by [deleted]




Start with your brother, Joe.

Is he that dumb that he thinks the word politician refers to anyone who talks about politics?

Anyone who calls Trump a politician certainly thinks so.


Have his gigs been canceled yet? This guy needs even more free time to give us all the straight dope about what's really happening with our political system.

Hashtagging on Facebook is pretty faggy. Trying to make valid points on Facebook is pretty faggy. Facebook is pretty faggy

Wait, is he implying that Trump isn't also a proven liar?

Dam didn't know hillary was an Obama minion. He's a great Facebook politician

so is it just me or is Brother Joe a little right leaning?

What the fuck is Drumpf2016?


Fuck John Oliver.

Wonder when he's going to take personal responsibility for his bills and stop leaching off his younger brother


TRUMP PRESIDENT NAAAOOWW!!!!! White people ain't gonna have to pay no taxes or go to jail!! Trump president naow!!!

I predict that Trump will grant a presidential pardon to Joe's meal ticket in exchange for Joe's unyielding facebook support.

He's dumb.

I bet this has maybe 4 likes by now on Facebook...Joe's gotta get dem numbas

"DJT", what a fag.

Can either of the degenerate cumias actually vote?

I hope not

That's right, Bernie supporters. You can't deny the infectious grooves of DJ T. Stop being wallflowers and get on the dance floor.

I find it funny that the guy who relies on his younger brother for financial support and all of his personal property is saying he'll take responsibility for something.

I do believe that may qualify as irony.

Nigga can't even take responsibility for his own family's bills without the help of his rich brother. He's a bum with no skills except a dream of being the white Prince. Will never happen, ever.

"amateur politician"??? ....fuck this guy's dumb ... he talks about one thing and is cartoon-ishly ill informed about it.

He will take full responsibility? Lol. This faggot can't even take responsibility for himself. If only his brain was as big as his ego.

Anyone who calls Trump a politician certainly thinks so.
