Anthony's show has been getting pretty good lately

0  2016-06-26 by Joemomma101

He's been having good guests lately, and been quite entertaining. I stopped watching his show for a while, but it's really getting good now. In the last week or so, he had Ron Bennington, Doug Stanhope, Jim Norton, Florentine, Ian Halperin, Gavin Mcinnes, Neil Degrasse Tyson, Owen Benjamin (never heard of him before but he is very funny).


How many dudes have you frenched this week?


Opie and Howard's leftovers, friends pitying him and doing him a favor, a guy under contractual obligation who also rents the studio, a lisping Canadian hipster faggot who's also an investor in the network, and nobodies who don't get gigs anywhere else. What a sad place for fools to part with their money.

Ant's really been expanding his guest list since he set off on his own.

Sounds really gay.


Hate to agree but I actually listened to two whole shows this week. The Stanhope and Owen Benjamin episodes. Common denominator was actually interacting with guests instead of just reading them the newspaper.

mike devito, mike finoa, chinese pet dickson

also didnt he spend 5 min every show talking about his garbage hair?

Oh ya , I loved when he talked about his ex wife!

Pretty sure Ron, Jimmy, Florentine and NDT were best of. The only guests I see in the rundowns last week are Stanhope, Kevin Brennan, Ian, Benjamin, and .... wait for it ..... Joe Devito.

He has had more on though, credit where it's due.


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Positive Feedback here gets downvoted. don't even try

Don't be scared homie

That's part of the reason why I put up these positive threads. I love watching how angry it makes these people.

How much is he paying you? Lmao Gavin, like he's some big get

I get paid in laughter. And I've getting paid very well lately...

Put a gun in your mouth. And pull the trigger.


Lmao shut the fuck up you're full of shit, unless you find gun rants funny

Lmao shut the fuck up you're full of shit, unless you find gun rants funny

Put a gun in your mouth. And pull the trigger.