Were you guys any of these douches from Wackbag?

0  2016-06-25 by TheScarletR

LINK: https://www.wackbag.com/threads/opies-exaggerated-laugh.31179/ I was googling threads about Opie's fake laugh being awful and I came across this cringe-inducing thread where a bunch of people seem to agree that it's an awful fake laugh, and then amongst them are some of the worst ballwasher comments I've seen. All of them using lingo from the show, more likely adopting O,A, & J's personalities, trying to be silly gooses. I know it's from early on in XM ('05) but the people saying shit like "I love Opie's fake laugh, especially when you picture the look of horror on the face of the person he's doing it to" and someone posting a disclaimer to Opie "if you read this, don't worry about it dude you're great blah blah.." Did the fans just used to be bigger, less funny douche bags or did it just take a while to "find their voice" and get the fun hate flowing.


I just want to know which one of you fucks is Dugout Doug. He is the king of all fags and basement dwelling neckbeards. I know he is here.

Knickers? comment?

I really hate how needy some of those earlier fans were. Every single one "I'm blah blah from blah blah (usually wackbag)" Way to beat a fucking bit into the ground holy shit. It reaks of a bunch of losers desperately trying to start a club and get acquainted.

Also O&A sort of did it to themselves by validating all of the internet fanatics on the show, making them part of it. They all got way too invested in it for example this clip https://ia601505.us.archive.org/29/items/anthonycumia/Ant%20Dumps%20FBA%20plug.mp3 gives an idea hinting towards what was going on. Anthony was so involved in everything with the Paltalk thing and the multiple forums going on and warring with each other etc. They've been validating random anonymous internet people for as long as the internet has been around. They hand over all of the power and influence to people on a silver platter when they bring them up on the show and get upset or address the comments etc. In reality there is absolutely no reason whatsoever to ever bring up negative criticism as if it really affected them but they did it all the time and it just snowballed into more of it. Once people realized that what they were shitting into their keyboards drunk on a Sunday afternoon on various O&A forums was actually being read and responded to Monday morning, it only increased from there

Yeah I can't really argue that they sort of fed the whole thing with their constant validation/responding, good point braunheiser. Wow what an awkward interaction. I'm going by the URL, is that clip from June 15 2005 or am I reading that wrong? Seems waaaay early on for them to have such a weird back and forth on the air.

It really was a messy cycle of exactly the type of people you mentioned but then became part of the show. That clip came in Rosiebuns pack which I think is 2008, at some point there was this big Wackbag vs. Full Blown Aids internet skirmish... which then in turn spawned http://www.ftbfba.org/ where some people went to make fun of everyone involved.

I have a Wackbag account but it's only as far back as 2010 and it was mostly half-trolling or being a goon. One time recently I asked about this whole thing were talking about now and this is what someone said from the wackbag side of things

FBA used to fight with Wackbag insofar as there were a lot of threads whining and complaining about Wackbag, but Wackbag never fought back. Those that went to FBA or other boards were quickly forgotten.

FBA was shut down because Doug turned on the show when they did not meet his expectations of how he should be treated as a "General." Boards that are dedicated to a show that spend all their time bashing that show will eventually turn to shit and go belly up. If you try hard enough to convince people something is shit eventually people will either believe you or walk away if they don't agree with you.

Wackbag hasn't turned to shit because even though those that talk about the show(s) spend most of their time bashing it, there simply aren't a lot of people that do so. This is a current events, nudie pics, and movie forum now. Check out any random Sam Roberts, TACS, Opie and Jimmy, and Bennington and Daughter listening thread. I can get more people to watch a shitty movie with me on YouTube.

Wow, did they ever mention this "war" in depth on the show? I didn't listen consistently back then so this is literally the first I've ever heard of it. I just heard Wackbag getting plugged all the time. So did the Wackbag people who still discuss the shows just not come over to Reddit for whatever reason?

I can barely remember. I started listening casually in 06 and didn't get heavy into the show until late 08/ early 09. Here's some backstory stuff though



I dont know if this is real or not but https://www.reddit.com/r/opieandanthony/comments/3x3we9/former_pest_dugout_doug_passed_away_this/

No I don't believe so although my memory is not what it once was.

God bless you.

He died last year.

But fans talking like Jimmy and trying to emulate his personality happens over here all the time you fucking bucket of jizz YOU STINKKKKKK oooooofffff

tss peckazonz dvving lamar didnt jerk off a yuck dvvdvv

I don't quite know why but everyone, including Jimmy, seems to be just fine with fans adopting Chip, Uncle Paul, Ted Sheckler(he's a tough one to do), Boardroom Jimmy, whatever other personalities he cultivated on the radio. I don't think anything is wrong with it either but it feels like hypocrisy for some reason.

because its helping his popularity, remember the one time he came to this place and appreciate the fans was when ppl doing chip roll, he wanted it to be some dank meme bad. the other time he came here because ppl were fucking with his hollywood meal ticket

That makes sense, it's like spreading a trademark sort of. What do you mean by the meal ticket part?

he came here talking smack cause ppl from this sub was making those amy schumer joke thief compilation videos

haha thats pretty funny, can you remember any of the threads he posted on? I'd like to read some of those


Probably a few months ago I was reading through a thread about YKWD and someone said some stuff about Kurt Metzger looking like a weirdo and creep and whatnot and someone replied to them "Bosnian war criminal" which is a Bobby line that I distinctly remember because it was so hilarious. Now they could have been doing that as an "homage" but I think it was more likely some unfunny cock sucker who saw an easy way to make himself look clever to people who hadn't heard that line. It genuinely made me a little bit angry and annoyed.

I think saying classic lines is okay like the one about kurt or "tunisian knife fighter" but when they try to copy the way jimmy talks by saying things like "YUCK!!!" or "ooooooooofffffffff" a lot it gets pretty cringe worthy.

Yeah that's a fair point. I guess if it's a funny enough line I can't be too annoyed by it. I try to make a point of not using Jimmy-isms because like a lot of O&A fans, his funny lines/descriptions really do linger in your brain and come out accidentally sometimes. Jizz bucket is one I've used and been annoyed at myself for.

yeah were all guilty of it sometimes

Yeah I hate the way Jimmy copies the way Colin talks by saying things like YUCK!!! or oooooooooffff

It really is douchey when people talk like Jimmy beyond chip or edgar.

Bosnian war criminal was a Colin line.

Really? I don't know why I thought Bobby.

I'm not loying awlroight.

Calm down, Rogan.

Opie's over the top laugh is one of my favorite things on the show. That and the voice he would make if he was reading your complaint.

My HIV status has officially changed.

Lol @googling Opies fake laugh.

Hahah I woke up in a bad mood and thought of the Opester

No, I wasn't in the thread, but I was around there at the time. There were various stages of Opie/Ant/Jimmy hate during that time...but it was still somewhat fresh of a show so I can see where there would be more "fans" sticking up for the shit they liked. It was different and the XM show was far better than anything else on radio...so...

But many of the things you bash them about also happen here (and in your post...did you really call people "silly gooses" before listening to the show?) - people use the same words that O&A/J always use/d and it just gets tacked on because it's what you're accustomed to listening to and it becomes part of your vernacular.

Peckers, aids, blueburries, etc...you've all said it to your friends and either got a laugh or they looked at you like you're a sociopath. That's why we congregate here and smear shit on our faces.

I picked up silly goose from South Park like ten+ years ago, it was a Big Gay Al line. I haven't used the other words in the way you're presuming but I see your point.

I did a Wackbag search and found this...ohhhhh wow those comments were douchey.

Probably a few months ago I was reading through a thread about YKWD and someone said some stuff about Kurt Metzger looking like a weirdo and creep and whatnot and someone replied to them "Bosnian war criminal" which is a Bobby line that I distinctly remember because it was so hilarious. Now they could have been doing that as an "homage" but I think it was more likely some unfunny cock sucker who saw an easy way to make himself look clever to people who hadn't heard that line. It genuinely made me a little bit angry and annoyed.

tss peckazonz dvving lamar didnt jerk off a yuck dvvdvv


because its helping his popularity, remember the one time he came to this place and appreciate the fans was when ppl doing chip roll, he wanted it to be some dank meme bad. the other time he came here because ppl were fucking with his hollywood meal ticket