Thanks for the info Joe? Yikes

23  2016-06-25 by [deleted]



Is she sporting a mullet?



Joseph Cumia Jr. is actually Anthony Cumia's father.


why wouldn't he fuck her, it's not like she would remember.

Brewdull! We're going to hell for this one, guys!!

I like to think Joe just announced that without being prompted

Maybe it's just me but I've never had to explain to someone before that I never had sex with my mom, even though I did.

O&A tanking has done wonders for Joe's relevance.

You're putting words in his mouth, when what he wants there is prepubescent piss.

Jesus Joe...

He misspelled *brother


At least 5 people here did fuck your mother.

Remember the Holloween show where she sang onstage? A few of us went back stage with her.


  • mother, Young man.

He does the same thing when people call him a faggot. "I have literally never had sex with a man, so the joke is on you".



I've never fucked my mother

Well it's not for lack of trying.

It would be a lot easier now that her brains are semolina.

I've never fucked my mother

Joe doesn't consider anal sex as "fucking" which is also why he claims he has never been fucked by a man.