This sub talks about jim breuers music a lot but what does it think of joe rogan's work?

22  2016-06-25 by Ramoooone


still better than bruer's lame ass dad rock.'s funnier than Rogan's stand-up at least...

Does anyone actually find his stand up funny? All the other comedians call him a "monster comic" but I've listened to his stand up and it blows.

IIRC he's had a few jems... Paraphrasing so I'm butchering phrasing and timing, but: Who loves me more, my girlfriend or my dog? My dog. If I lock both in the trunk and come back in a few hours, who's going to be happy to see me?


That was all the effort I'm going to put in. Lazy me.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


That joke is beyond hack. That's the sort of shit you read in a joke book mate. Also didn't Patrice have a near-identical joke about his relationship to his dogs compared to his girl?

I don't know. I listened to patrice more on the show than stand up.

His new stuff has been shit but happy shiny jihad and talking monkeys in space were amazing. He was hilarious on those.

I feel like a lot of the comedians kiss his ass because he is a bigger name than him and he uses his podcast to give so many comedians exposure.

Weeeeellll I have AIDS now. Thanks for that.

Holy shit that's awful. HA I can't believe this is real. This fucking sub. The laughs never stop.

HAHAH this great, never knew this existed. So awful. Why do these comics do this shit?

All performers want to be rock stars.

I think he's really embarrassed by it and wanted it to be lost and forgotten

I used to write songs like this. Sometimes I still get writer's block during sessions with my band. They don't know that I sneak in a little Alpha Brain in my violin case and then I wow them with my lyrics.

nothing is better than CQ's going back to brooklyn

That's a legit amazing song though, 0 sarcasm.

I don't think so.

"I'm gonna be dead someday..."

Fuck, I hope someday is tomorrow.

I hate how he'll never outgrow that High-School sophomore voice he has

I blasted this in my man cave, and it's good, but not riff-driven or relatable enough for me. Gotta say Breuer wins this one.

Hope you crushed some buds to it. You have to, it's Dad law

I may be drunk and I may be wrong but I thought that was ok. But tomorrow I'll be sober. And you'll still be ok. But I'll still be drunk

This is worse than his dolla dolla bills bit. What a faggot

The hairline of Tarantino, Fa la la la la

The serenity of his isolation tank enables him to come up with good lyrics.

That's terrible, I'm sorry.



I'm gonna be dead someday

We can all dream

Very heterosexual lyrics

His follow up single was, "Brain pills are scam-y"

dolla dolla bills y'all

I genuinely like this song.

Oh jeezus Joe

"this is outrageously, shockingly bad. it's sickeningly loathsome!"


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Reminds me of Tonetta

It is really weird to hear a song with an amelodic singer

If you want, you can get a cassette of these hits for the low price of $287.01.

Worth every penny.

Definitely up there with DeRosa

Fuck his breathy voice

I made it 15 seconds. OMFG. I feel so embarrassed.

I only get annoyed when joe is a hypocrite, recently he called out some conspiracy nuts while ignoring his recent (relatively) past full of hoax-moon landing shit he was into, pretty sure he's onboard with sasquatch/whatnot as well, onnit bullshit drives me up the wall, he pushes the you wouldn't understand unless you're a top comic like me line of thinking as well and what I perceive as the idea that everyone should try psychedelics is borderline dangerous ... basically I dislike parts of all of his podcasts for some reason, but it sure beats listening to AM/FM/Sirius. It's the least shitty thing available while in the car.

Man, had bad did Rogan want to be hicks.

Well, Joe never said he could actually sing. He's made fun of his shit voice many times before.

The song is pretty bad though.