Stanhope on Artie Quitter Podcast - Full

16  2016-06-24 by panasonictooth


Preciate it!

Was laughing at Stanhope calling the little dude on the episode a chick the whole time

I fully thought he was a badass 10 year old until they said his age.

Who is that guy and what's his deal?

He's a 40 something old actor who has a condition like andy milonakis where he will always look really young. To make money he sells candy on the street or boardwalk in coney island. He looks like hes 11 but talks and curses like a middle aged mechanic

He's a real life Chip all the way down to the fake tough guy attitude. It's hilarious when he's on the podcast.

Its true he makes the worst chip jokes

He can completely halt a conversation by saying the stupidest shit too. I assume most people here don't subscribe to the podcast but there are a few more with him on youtube which I would highly recommend. He was talking about doing a book signing at Barnes and Noble so Artie says "do they know you're doing this?" they're magically delicious


From Bocchetti to Bosco, nobody can work a retard like Artie Lange.

I can't wait until Mike and Mario are on together. It will be a hoot, possibly even a hootenanny.


This was brilliant

That Italian chick is funny

Video has been removed now but anyone else notice Artie talking about how he loved Stanhope's "Gotham special"? He said it more than once too. That special does not exist.

Godammit, I wanted to listen

i couldn't get through this episode.