SAMCRO / BroJo has finally lost his marbles.

22  2016-06-24 by IHateSherrod


I really don't see life in 2016 as that bad.

I'm not a super-liberal Obama fan, but yeah, I just don't get what these people are experiencing. The past five years or so have been great for me and my family.

You must be white then. Unemployment rates for black people have risen under Obama. All in all their situation has worsened under Obama.

I'm white though so fuck it, no skin off my nose.

As you age and approach your imminent demise you begin to wax poetic on the good ol days and how the kids today are pussies yadda yadda yadda. Mix that in with an increasingly connected planet that allows you to watch atrocities around the world sometimes even live and your perception of the world turns dark and Cumiaey.

Get driven drunk by a dad screaming about minorities and calling his kids faggots, grow up to be so afraid of being gay that you have to pretend to be a biker and hate the same things you think daddy would be proud about.

BABABABABA de-dang-de-dang-dang


That's a good point. All my social media is acting like the world is ending over Brexit & I just can't see why I should give a fuck or why it would affect my life in any noticeable way. But people are acting like humanity is over because of it

That's because you're employed.

That's probably because you don't spend all your free time binge-drinking and scouring the Internet for whatever you can find that will piss you off.

Anthony and Joe truly believe this shit about Muslims dont they? and lol read the comments the faggot used voice to text to write this horseshit so he was saying this crap out loud in his home.

Imagine how embarassing he must be to actually deal with in real life. Even though Anthony believes in so much of the same horseshit, I guarantee you he's had to pull his friends aside before and be like "dude, I know... but he's my brother. Just ignore him, alright?". There's no way anyone hangs out with this guy and doesn't get douche chills every time he opens his mouth.

What a lie about using voice to text. Look at how many sentences end in multiple exclamation points. Also I'm sure his voice to text doesn't spell crap with a K.

No shit, not to mention the quotation marks and parenthesis. Yeah bud, just voice to text, with all the careful layout, but no weird misspellings except the ones you spelled incorrectly like an autocorrect wouldn't.

And as stupid as the man is, I doubt he said GOOG OL' USA out loud.

Most likely while taking his kid to get ice cream

ME: Haha that needs to be animated! Cokelogic if you're reading please animate this! Thank you much brotha man haha!

Coke logic is the executive producer of The Chip Chipperson Show

So he actually said "THE GOOG OL' USA!!". What a nincompoop.

He USES "voice-to-text" "write" (GET IT?)...So "writing" this "psychotic" DRECK doesn't take HIM that much "TIME" (wink wink)..He's a very busy WOR-KIN' MAN. #USA

I saw that. How does he get so many caps & punctuation with "voice-to-text"?

What the fuck. Joe has been reduced to writing fan-fiction.

edit: just actually read this. It isn't even a little bit humorous. What the fuck is he doing?

Anthony must have reduced his allowance because of the bad court news. GUILTY BY ASSOCIATION.

I reread it and what the fuck was he even going for? It sounds like the ramblings of a schizophrenic.

The power of Fox news everybody.

Um...a few quibbles.

  1. How the hell is Obama going to just declare martial law before he leaves office? He can't even get his choice for the Supreme Court nomination but he can somehow manage this?

  2. If Donald Trump is the 4 Horseman, why would he be against the "anti Christ"? Wouldn't he be on his side?

  3. Eva Gabor was on Green Acres, not Zsa Zsa.

I can't read all that without raging out irrationally but I know he lost his marbles a long time before this so you're a piece of shit liar...but thank you for your service.

Maybe his last marble? Or the shooter?

Hey I like your name and the fact you responded to me so dealers choice

I like you to. Want to hug?

Want to torrent some dog on girl porn and chill?

Girl? You lost me.

I'm thinking the silk bag.

Can you just picture Joe with his grandpa glasses low on his nose pecking this out for hours with his two index fingers? Sleeve-less shirt showing some side-boob and his corny tribal tattoo..."Honey, come read this before I post it. It's really funny...everybody's gonna love it!"

Finally? edit: wow, that was more retarded than usual. I feel stupider after reading that.

"Only takes a couple of minutes. I use voice to text..."

lol the amount of time he spends entertaining 14 retards who praise him on facebook.

Guy is a lunatic

tss hows he gunna play mancala now

The best part... You know he brags to his friends that he has a huge "Facebook following"

I think the majority are people like me.

"You see how many likes I got bro?"

"Shut the fuck up Joe" bahahahaha was that one of you guys?

If we all say it no one will know who it is.

11 hours and Knickers hasn't claimed responsibility and demanded gold?

What is this crazy world coming to?

Tss I prefer Metallica as the 4 Horsemen dvv dvv dvv dvv

From guy who likes to shit on "freeloaders", honestly how does an adult man have the time for this? Also anyone who consecutively uses more than one exclamation point per sentence deserves to be put in a camp so their teeth can be used to make soap.

my mudda loves joe, he's got a great sense o' yuma




There's no way he's not high as fuck while writing these.

He lost his marbles quite a few facebook posts ago.

Someone should notify authorities before he shoots up something..

His marbles aren't lost, he shoved them up his ass

I guess this is what you do when you're at home not working while you wait for your welfare check from your brother.

Nice Jerry Mather reference, too. BroJoe is a billion years old.

Early signs of Alzheimer's.

ME: Haha that needs to be animated! Cokelogic if you're reading please animate this! Thank you much brotha man haha!