What sort of community service could Anthony be made to do?

1  2016-06-23 by Dennyislife

Perhaps finish high school?


Serving soup to black youths in Chicago.


Slow clap

Holy shit.

Well its not getting any funnier than that.

Or a butler for a wealthy colored gentleman.

he'll volunteer to service the tranny community

I thought picking up trash was what got him into this mess in the first place...

Home run chippah

An academic decathlon

He has to organize and supervise a midnight basketball league in Brownsville

Working in a battered womans shelter or muck out the used needles in the hallways of housing projects.

I don't know, but I do know what Jesse Ventura will say when he finishes it.


Delivering incorrectly addressed Fathers Day cards to Harlem.

Hopefully beating niggers with a stick.