You know, I'm such a dick...

0  2016-06-23 by Dannyprecise

In my 35 years of life in NY, I always thought the City University of NY (CUNY) was pronounced as "q-knee" but after hearing Opie, who is much older and who also grew up in NY, pronounce it as "coo-knee", I know now better.

He really is a vast well if information.

  • I now know better
  • vast well of information

Thank you. I am an editor of a medical journal in my free time and can always appreciate when errors of my own are found.

Your life is an error.

This is by the far the greatest insult thrown my way. Are you a professional jester?

Also your title should have been:

You know, I'd suck a dick...

And a cunt.

This is by the far the greatest insult thrown my way. Are you a professional jester?