Anthony pled guilty. Sentencing in August

233  2016-06-23 by Swedishbeauty


The disproportionate levels of domestic violence in the Moorish community are staggering!

It was Moops!

We need to have a real dialogue!

An open and honest discussion.


This has nothing to do with Moors, you racist.

The real cause is Tunisian knife-fighting culture.

Have you see the Tunisian knife fighting crime stats from the FBI? It's off the charts!

Not all Tunisians are violent knife fighters you racist fuck.


The shot in the arm this sub needed.

Or the ribs.

I'm gonna go get the upvotes, get the upvotes.

What the fuck, Hendgrie, I'm just asking you for a favor, I do a lot of favors for you! I'm trying to choke this fuckin' broad, you wanna help me out?

No more shines, Billy.

Go home and get your shinebox!

haha, i too love carlito's way

they used to call him Spitshine Tony, he'd make your shoes look like fuckin' mirrors!


Just wait till he moves in on that new Nassau County Jail studio

Then he'll get the A list guests...Joey Buttafuoco, David Berkowitz, Eastside Dave...

That ain't the only Buttafuoco he'll get.

wordplay yumah

Yea he's gonna hide up Mary Jo's fawkin cootah or sumthin

Well looks like he's got a record like those negros he loves

He's gonna start buying guns illegally, perpetuating the cycle of Moorish crime :(

But let us never forget, the original source of the Moorish crime cycle is, of course, undoubtedly, the terror of White Privilege. Interesting fact, but robbery, rape, and murder did not even exist in humans before the vile substance that is white skin first appeared on the planet. More info with Louis and Kurt at 11.


i am a bot, and i want to make you happy again

get crohn's disease you gay nigger

Wow, that's fucking uncalled for... Crohn's disease?

no i don't think he can run that fast

You should see him dance.


Fucking behave! How bout you do that!

We really need to get an Anthony bowling for behave remix with clips from the notorious Periscope video and news reports added in. If someone can source the clips, I could do it.

According to Brother Joe, I guess Anthony should be deported now.

Deported to where? He was born in the US.........

just like Obama huh. Show us the birth certificate.

"Throw his ass out. He's a nigger! He's a nigger! He's a nigger! A nigger, look, there's a nigger! Oooo! Ooo... All right, ya see? It shocks you, it shocks you, to see what's buried beneath, you stupid mother fuckers!"

-Michael Richards on the subject of Anthony Cumia

They should stick a fork up his ass or something.

Is it racist if you have his entire rant memorized?

Not if you scream it out the window while jerking off.


Brother Joe literally wanted inner-city "thugs" to be sent back to the jungles of Africa for violent offenses despite most of them being US citizens

Back to Casablanca

Wow, your a fucking retard


Looks like KTC did such a bang up job as Ants life coach too

Maybe he advised him to "work on his Brand" and Ant misinterpreted him.

"Work over your Brand"


Anthony may still be able to move around the city freely despite his near-certain house arrest, you fuckin redditards. Gavin must simply accept into his anus the foot strapped with Anthony's ankle monitor and the radio signals will be totally blocked by the years of internal scarring.

This isn't near certain at all


I wonder if he'll quit now

Oooh....I'm sittin in Nassau county jail....

Watchin my career rolllllll away, ooooooo


While Joe Rogan stuffs his blender with kale....

Gonna get fucked up the ass, FA LA LA LA!

It's four la's dammit


obsessive compulsive, fa la la




gotta turn the deadbolt 20 times fa la la la la

Gotta wash my hands again fa la la la la

Free gift card if you cancel a Joseph Cumia gig, FA LA LA LA

Hard to get handouts with your brother in the slammer fa la la la la

Gonna bake a cake with a file in it fa la la la la

Rejected by the Aryan Brotherhood fa la la la la

Raped by the Sisters, FA LA LA LA LA

I think it was Jim that said hed get turned away for having too extreme views

And some signed merch, FA LA LA LA LA

Confined to mah house, fa la la la la

"Dassabesso, when some big news hits a subreddit and gets your cow-tongue meme off the front page..."


This is better than either of their shows.

I hope he gets life.

I can't imagine Ant will get anywhere near Sirius now. He was fired because his tweets were violent in nature. Now he's guilty to a violent crime. They won't even let him CALL in at this point.

"Ant from Rikers checking in... Anthonaaaaaaay!"

Hasn't Sirius allowed numerous convicted, violent felons into their building as guests for radio shows?

And as hosts. Martha Stewart is doing just fine over there.

I'm sure they look at insider trading vs. domestic violence a little differently...


They'll let him but Opie won't put him through

Play that Black Keys song, Brotha!

I hope he gets a life!

fawkin home monitoring ankle bracelet, Chippah.

Now say this with emojis!!!

Gold nigga.

He won't see the inside of a jail cell.

I think a verbal warning should suffice. We've all made mistakes in the past but it's what we do today that counts tomorrow.

God bless you and your family.

I wasn't discussing my hope. I was giving you the facts.

So is it bye bye guns? Am a Brit, how does it work. I know he got them confiscated but does this mean he can't own them anymore ever? Because that would be funny.

Domestic violence is a disqualifier on a form 4473. So yeah.

I can't get more erect.

Question 11 E on the form "Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narctoic drug, or any other controlled substance?"

The only substance that was actually named was weed. I think it's safe to assume we are all terrified of those gun touting stoners.

question 12 B " Do you have hair plugs?"

I'm pretty sure someone having a restraining order against you alone, regardless of any domestic violence charges, precludes you from firearm ownership.

That's pretty fucked up if true. Someone could just be an asshole and file a restraining order and boom your 2nd amendment rights are gone?

In most of the country a restraining order comes from a judge after careful consideration and due process. California a few years back (after Isla Vista) created a law for "Gun Violence Restraining Orders" that immediately allowed family members and law enforcement officers to do exactly what you're saying. This year (after San Bernardino), they opened it up even further so that your coworkers or teachers or doctors or mailmen or dog sitters could temporarily take away your guns. Theoretically there's penalties if a judge does eventually find no cause for the restraining order... but imagine how that's gonna go and how long it will take to get your guns back.

It's not just a form fill out. You have to present evidence, witnesses, and go in front of a judge and all that.

It can be abused, but someone could do the same with domestic violence and fake you hit them.... whoops!

Fuck just losing your 2nd amendment rights. If your wife or live in girlfriend decides to call the police and claim domestic violence with zero evidence beyond her statement, you're going to fucking jail and can expect a protracted legal battle similar to Cumia's, but with presumably a lot less money for an attorney. Many states have laws that require an arrest be made by officers if there are any allegations of domestic violence.

He's not a real 2A supporter anyway. He loves that special permit he spent thousands to get and most can't. So fuck him.

Thousands? Damn. In Texas the license fee is around $140 and classes run around $100 most places.

And even that's unconstitutional. But yeah, with lawyer fees, a NYC carry permit can run $10k.


Loses a million dollar job, loses his guns ....

Can it get any better than this?

Is "Domestic Violence" the name of the crime he'd have to have committed?

The plea was for domestic abuse, so I'm assuming it's the same thing, is that what you meant?

According to the court web site, it was for "Crim Obstruc Breath/aply Press".

Even of the original charges, none were for "domestic abuse":

DescriptionCrm Mis:intnt Dmge Prprty

DescriptionCrim Mis 4:prevnt Emergncy Cal

DescriptionStrangulation 2nd Degree

DescriptionCrim Mischief 3rd:damage Mv

DescriptionUnlawful Imprisonment 2nd

Oh weird, on the other court link someone posted, it says domestic violence case, maybe that was just the original arrest name, but he pled to the individual crimes, the ones you listed that don't say "mis" are felonies then?

Ah, I see that now. I guess a case being a "domestic violence" case is a separate distinction from the charges involved.



This makes me actually hope that the great race war that anthony was planning for actually comes to fruition

Helter skelter



It's a bit more complicated than that. There are many circumstances under which he'd keep his guns here. I'm betting his plea arrangement includes something along those lines.

He gets guns but deported back to his homeland of Syria. It'll be like battle royale with him chasing all those teens

Not only are the preexisting guns gone, but any future in owning a weapon is history AND his beloved 'carry-conceal' that normal people can't get access to in NY (unless you were in or actively serve law enforcement) is about as gone as Joe Cumia's hairline. This is IF he's pleading guilty to the criminal charges, NOT the violations. Since he took part in rehab and probably will take part in community service, etc: he might skate on out and out criminal charges, just not the violations. But on a form 4473 (; it does list domestic violence which he'll be convicted of and will HAVE TO state on a form like that, even if its only as far as a violation.

what's difference between criminal charge and violation?

/u/_TheConsumer_ can break this down better than I can, but essentially it involves the weight of the crime and the punishment that it carries. A speeding ticket is a violation that doesn't include jail time BUT carries penalties like points, suspensions and revocation of driving privileges. A criminal charge is just stepping right into what could be considered misdemeanors or straight felonies (assault, larceny, possession, etc). In Ant's case, he had the charges dropped to violations due to the fact that he voluntarily went to rehab and has appeared for every court date. Also he has no priors. So he'll avoid jail for the most part, but all of his gun privileges are GONE.

What makes the misdemeanor he pled to = domestic violence?

Well from what I'm reading, its seems like its a violation. BUT considering it's related to a domestic violence/abuse case; stating that on a form 4473 (from the ATF) would prevent you from exercising your 2nd amendment. No matter how it plays out or how its defined in court. He's clearly choosing to just lose the guns, instead of doing jail time AND THEN losing the guns.

got it. Thanks.

They are gone.

You remember that scene from American Beauty where Annette Bening hugs the suits in the closet at the very end. That's what is going to happen to Ant when the cops come to take his guns away. Except with more crying and pants wetting.

His guns are already gone. They were confiscated when he was arrested and jailed. He's been hugging those empty gun safes and crying for many months.

Oh, that's even better.

Yep, just imagine him looking at the closet where they used to be. Every day when he wakes up it's the waking up screaming music bit they used to do. FOR-EV-ER.

Honestly, wouldn't it be HYSTERICAL if he got killed in a home invasion by a white guy tomorrow?

I really did like Anthony, but after the last year or two, I don't wish ill on him, but he's been fucking himself up worse than anyone else could.

This kind of got me thinking. Would it be possible for a criminal to look for people with charges like this knowing that their guns have been taken away and then Target their homes for robbery? Would that even be likely?

It's possible, sure. Anything is possible.

Nah, he still has a few that were lost underneath the couch cushions.

Depends on the details of the plea, I'd say it's not looking good.

Judge is a republican but he's also got two kids so sentencing can go either way for Ant.

I assume lawyers can help to ask for anything under the terms for the plea, but doesn't it seem like asking to keep a giant cache of guns in a domestic violence case would be something the lawyer would advise him not to request?

I don't really think the request would hurt him, it's going to be down to the severity of abuse more than anything. Even in a plea, say the prosecution recommends that he be able to keep his firearms, it's just a recommendation to the judge. The judge is going to weigh the severity of the crime. DV is a tough one, & the video evidence against him is horrible. I'm in pro-gun state & I think he'd still be fucked here. NY is maybe the last state I would want to be wrapped up in a DV, on tape screaming "WHERE THE FUCK IS MY GUN!?".

That's more what I was saying, the video evidence had some gun issues in it as well in this case. His concealed carry is at least gone though, correct?

I would imagine so. NY is a "may issue" state where you're assigned a Licensing Officer who can revoke an already issued license. I'd like to know if it's been revoked already. You have to reapply for the license every 5 years, I can't imagine he'll have it renewed if he does get off relatively easy here.

It had to have been revoked when the guns were, I don't see how that doesn't send up a red flag on his CC license, but I don't know much about NY law.

Yes that makes sense because otherwise he could just go out the next day and legally buy another one with an intact license

After 6 months there will be a probationary period - after that he can get them back.
EDIT: Got this info from a source on the inside

Good luck with that. Confiscated guns have a habit of disappearing. He'll gave to start from scratch.

I'm really sure he handed them all over.

Someone teach this guy about wall safes.

No fucking way they got them all.

Look at the charges page guys. He plead down to one misdemeanor charge. I don't know if this would count as a domestic violence conviction or not.


So is it bye bye guns?

No. Not necessarily.

Leave the EU. While you still can ....

You shoot a black, say he raised a finger in a threatening manner, beat the case and sell the gun for righteous bucks.

Yeah, it's funny to have your rights taken away. Go admire your queen, fag.

Yes, convicts awaiting sentencing for a violent crime should have firearms, this guy gets it.

In this case,it's pretty hilarious

You do kind of have to laugh about this one.

Actually violent criminals dont have a right to own guns, sorry stupid :(

Go and get shot while shopping for bananas

He'll probably enlist Big A to chew off his ankle bracelet.

We should move Jocktober to Jaugust this year. Screw up Opie's negotiations and make sure the people sentencing know all about Anthony's drunken beatings of Bobo.

Poor sweet Bobo. He'll finally be safe again.

I hope he comes back here...

I bought him an iPad but he never got back to me with his social security number, the poor dear.

Oh God, someone has to mix the audio from the Barfing Bobo Basement Beatdown to the Golightly Phone Video. It could be the most horrifyingly hilarious thing ever.

Throw in Bowling for Behave.

A real blaze of glory.

Tranuary will be a blast!

Sweet, now we finally get to find out if Brother Joe truly is guilty by association.

Got a feeling that Coke can will have some Jack in it today.


Now is the perfect time for a home invasion

Pretty sure Ant walks around his house with pepper spray and a baseball bat at all times now.


"Who's that? The black people?!"

-every time he looks in the mirror

Keith gets a direct sms whenever someone of questionable ethnicity crosses the property line


more than often the Alarm sounded of when an moorse looking fellow was pacing around. A false alarm (but not really)

I read the last line in Colins voice

Are you joking? He's a fucking piece of shit that thinks he's above the law. He's carrying an illegal gun, guaranfuckingtee it.

Ant will suddenly become a huge dog lover and his 2 Rottweilers - Blitz & Kreig will be come regular favorites on his Twitter, Instagram and Grinder apps.

And he loves playing fetch with them.

But he doesn't call it fetch. He calls it "Catch the kaffir."



If Anthony is reading this (we all know you do), hit me up I'll buy your guns at 10% over what a gun shop will give you.

He'all probably give them to Joe

That's the last person that should get them

I agree but it might happen. Instead of selling them hell give it to Joe. Or another gun friend

Gives Anthony access to several penises. The man will be in ecstasy.

How is Jimmy ever going to hide all of that podcast equipment in a cake?

He might want to ask the Dalton brothers for some pointers

There's an old fashioned TOILET there, with a chain. Jimmy could tape the podcast gear behind it.

How is he going to shove a cake up his asshole?

Guinness Beer are assholes for not wanting be associated with/have their logo stolen by this man.




Opie has tits


So he can stop his bitching about guns since he's a criminal and can't have them now, right?

Good news is, he can start drinking again.

Build up a healthy love for toilet wine before he visits the vineyards themselves.

Glad I cancelled my subscription to TACN or compound media after LoS left. Can't believe I stood by Ant and took his word, what a POS

But just because he pled guilty doesn't mean he did it. He may have realized that pleading guilty was better than taking a chance on a bench or jury trial.

Did you address this to Dani in the hopes that she toots on your pickle?

LoS sucked too by the way. Fuckin unlistenable.

Disagree and they have gotten even better doing one a week.


My buddy SHOT someone and got probation, no jail time served. Ant will get everything back, in time....

if he had killed him he probably would have gotten away with it fyi, your friend is stupid imo

Self defense....he got shot at first, but the other guy missed. He didn't. Oh well, life in da hood.

Problem with Anthony he's in Roslyn heights no gangsters there

Is there a way of making a twitter bot that sends this information to anyone who tweets Anthony? All his debates on there will get stopped by "oh you hit women"

He hit a worthless cunt, big difference

you silly sausage. it isn't about what he did but how much that would annoy anthony

get a job

Does being a landlord count as a job? Because if so i have two buddy

More like gaylord

OHHH, You fuckin' buried this cocksucker! Go to break.

He's not your buddy, guy!

He's not your guy, friend!


He hit a woman he loves. A woman he still loves. He's a sad old man who falls head over heels for girls who are bigger losers than he is.

He's a pathetic dude.

So he plead guilty to misdemeanors, but after 6 months of alcohol counseling the charges will be reduced to 2 violations -so no criminal record.

He had to plead guilty to mild assault, criminal mischief, and strangulation.
Yep, fucking strangulation lol

DASSABESSO, just strangulation' and fuckin.... (I'm sorry, but i didn't get to use DASSABESSO yet)

You made the besso it.

You made da besso it.


Good fix. Days da besso fuckin fixing n shit

I still don't understand DASSABESSO.

Passed you by...

Dassworsedo bein ignorant n fucken...

It was Obstruction of Breathing

after 6 months of alcohol counseling the charges will be reduced to 2 violations -so no criminal record.

Just curious, how do you know those details? I couldn't find them.

click on "charges"



Strangulation is not a misdemeanor. It is extremely serious and a felony.

/u/cbanks420lol, if she's still your buddy, will you ask Dani if she's filing a civil suit after his sentencing or if Anthony is settling out of court?

She says she's still not suing ("sue everybody!") or received any money. Who knows though.

I know she's already retarded, but she'd be extra retarded not to sue his ass, unless he's already cut her a check to spare himself another court ordered humiliation.

"sue his ass." God damn Sue Lightening has ruined the word sue for me haha.

I love you, ILoveYouJohnnyCakes.

She has said no before. I haven't read if she has changed her mind yet.

Proud of our boy?

"Ant Sucks" - his cellmates

It's a good thing he spent all that time practicing his fake snoring with tree fort Richard for situations like this.

He seemed pretty sure he was getting off, hinting that he was innocent. So he broke her ribs and is now admitting it? smh. His fans might be all 'fuck Dani' but she didn't deserve that.

Might have been a plea deal. It's better than rolling the dice.

It's better than rolling the dice

Ant and Sue went up the hill, both with a buck and a quarter

Then Ant came down and fucked my daughter! Uguuuuu

Ant came down with a sore ass and a big smile.

Does he do fisting?

Nah If someone accuses you of foul shit like that and you didn't do it you have to say innocent. Must have been too much evidence or his conscious getting to him.

they threatened to investigate his internet history if he didn't cop a plea


They admit to a lesser charge. That's not innocent.

Yes they do. It happened to me. Shitty lawyers, shitty circumstances, lack of money, circumstantial evidence, saying the wrong thing, fear, and many other factors play into it. Also just being tired of stressing and wanting it to be over. When they offer you "a way out" where there's no gamble on the next several years of your life a lot of people just take it.

after 6 months of alcohol counseling the charges will be reduced to 2 violations -so no criminal record.

no felonies, no convictions, no record, can probably get everything but the ccp back and can go back to drinking buy the end of the year. sounds like getting off to me. A small price to pay to be able to bust that greasy looking bitch in the chest.

fuck Dani

Bowling for Behave (Remix) drops this summer.

Can we dredge up all the twitter and reddit retards that said Ant is innocent and that Dani is a liar to publicly mock and shame them.

Nah because then half of us would be in trouble for standing with Ant.

Dani is still a liar and crazy so there you go

She's definitely fucking crazy.

Just sent that link to newsday on twitter. Hopefully they can uncover more information.

So the rehab bit didn't even have a payoff. Back to drinking.

For sentencing it might have. They're not just going to drop charges on a 60 year man for a violent crime because he does one responsible thing, but it will definitely be considered during his sentencing.

I wish we could see exactly what he plead guilty to. There's no way it was all of it unless there is very damning video evidence from his home cams.



So he gets a Class A Misdemeanor which may (probably will) cause him to lose his handguns. He'll get to keep his long guns and he'll still be able to vote. I feel unfulfilled.

Criminal obstruction of breathing or blood circulation.

Fuck, I wanted to see him tried for 2nd degree felony strangulation. But there's still a good chance he'll get like 30-90 days in jail.

Oh Anthony, why did ya do it? Poor Dani.

i also hope anthony goes to jail but lets be honest, we all know why he did it

Because Dani didn't have a cock?

If he's pleading guilty, I somehow doubt he will do jailtime

Do people typically get jail time for misdemeanors?

Then it's official. Tranthony can no longer own or buy guns. I'll take the barrett fifty cal off his hands for the right price.

What would Anthony give to wake up tomorrow and magically be back at a seven-figure radio gig with The Opester for the foreseeable future?

Will the saddest moment in Compound history occur when Anthony Tweets a selfie of his poker game with Fred, Joe, and Big A to celebrate the end of his legal rigmarole?

When he sleeps, Anthony dreams it's June 30th, 2014 and he's preparing for his big, upcoming July the 4th party.

Why would he do that? He has over 40,000 subscribers and is making more money now than he was at Sirius.

For all the shit Anthony talks about black people and their violence this really is a nice slice of irony. Fuck bro, hopefully he can sell his gun collection on ebay or some shit to recoup this loss.

No way he'd want this to go to trial. Too much dirty laundry would be aired...


So any word from Brother Joe?

Yes, "Guilty By Association" still was a fine choice of webshow name in hindsight.

Did he ever stop doing the Guilty By Association show and if so did he finally admit publicly that it sucked?

he will get the same sentence, simply by being associated to anthony...

He's busy posting manifestos on Facebook.

Robert G. Bogle his judge. I hope /u/cbanks420lol finds out if he has twitter.


Ol' hockey helmet hair.

Dudes hair is fucking fire.

Me and Bogle are e-mail buddies. I'll leave it at that.

Do you share child porn? He looks like the type.

How dare you trash Mr. Bogle. Look at that beautiful hair.


I really hope his rape fantasy about black guys committing a home invasion finally happens when his guns get taken away. I'd love to see the news report when Old Man Cumia is found dead brandishing his rapier in his asscheeks

Ant's just another run-of-the-mill Dindu Nuffin minority.

A victim of the legal system. It's sad, really.


poor, poor girl!!!!

He's responsible for getting fired from his radio show too. He shouldn't have been stupid enough to post those things on Twitter.

Pic so u don't need to captcha

Cumia guilty plea

According to this article, he plead not guilty to strangulation, so, can he reverse his plea? If not, what did he plead guilty to?

Yes, he can reverse his plea.

He plead guilty to Criminal Obstruction of Breathing or Blood Circulation (NY PL 121.11).

So... he put a pillow over her face?

There's a certain irony to a guy who is "In Hot Water" that could be a story on "New York City Crime Report".

"Legion of Skanks" is an accurate description of every relationship he's had in the last ten years as well.

I can't see it. What's it say?

Blacks can't catch a break with this justice system.

thank god

Plead guilty. Released on recognizance.

thank you, sir.


No. He got sentenced which means he'll serve time.

I disagree, if you read it all charges were reduced. HE pled guilty to a misdemeanor of obstruction of breathing. Max sent of 1 yr. He will get off with nothing.

I assumed it was felony.

Hahahaha he isn't going to serve time you idiot

lol what? Sentenced =/= jail time. Most likely probation, anger management, maybe some community service.

Which he will fuck up again given the last two to three years of his life.

Fingers crossed.

So, how much did his lawyer fuck him over for something that he could have done with a public defender?

Give the lawyer a break. His client was a moron who went on drunken twitter rants after the DV, made light of the situation on his podcast a few times, had Gavin and others claiming he had been exonerated, had the expanded video resurface, made inappropriate tweets about a young woman at rehab, had a moronic older brother who made idiotic tweets about his rehab stay and just all in all did nothing to help his lawyer.

All he had to do was stay away from the subject on social media, avoid mentioning it on his show and make sure all the shows on his network stayed away from it, go into rehab quietly without having a pat himself on the back show with Ron and Jim and stay away from social media while in rehab. If he had done all of those things his lawyer may have been able to get him a better deal.

Guarantee you he's drinking again openly in 2-3 months instead of hiding it like he is now. And he'll end up blaming it all on his lawyer instead of taking responsibility for his own actions.

Every point you raise is valid. Ant is a dope.

They should send him to Guantánamo, we would fit right in.

This can't be correct Gavin and Luis j Gomez said he was cleared back in March

Who's our resident lawyer again? Someone tag him and get his take

Your on snoway! Yo snoway!



Wow. I never expected this. I'm gonna have to seriously rethink my opinion on Anthony.


Criminal Obstruction of Breath

I know what they're saying, but what a hilarious sounding charge.

I'm calling the hotline.

Whaddis he gotta do sum English homework a sumpthin?

didn't bobby once say ant was the "smartest dumb guy I know"?

this is pretty much the story about what happens to a man when he just begins to settle and stops looking to be innovative in all areas of his life.

he had such great stories of him as a hungry young man and all the things he kept trying to do to really make it. now it's like he's on autopilot and he's not actively thinking to keep himself on course.

jesus christ dude.

edit: though, now that I think about it, him finding secluded areas to fall asleep on the job as a working man makes a lot of sense. he's a lazy mexican.

That guilty plea got a nigga ribs hurting last year


No, he's not. Class A Misdemeanor.


Some more info on this from a reliable source.

Anthony was found innocent of all not convicted of felony charges, he plead to 3 misdemeanors (misd assault, criminal mischeif, misd strangulation). After 6 months of alcohol counseling, he will have those violations reduced to 2 and they will not be considered a criminal record.

His gun confiscations were not addressed in the trial, but he is likely to get them back after the probation period assuming all goes well.

Edit: anthony also (...sources are saying...) adamantly denies strangulation/touching her neck, but plead guilty to it as it was part of a packaged plea deal.

He wasn't found innocent of anything. All of the charges are covered by him pleading guilty to the obstruction of breathing top charge. Its right on the court's site. Go peddle your propaganda elsewhere.

Do your sources say whether Tranth denies breaking her ribs and her hands?

Also, do the sources say if he ever found that gun?

Well no court finds anybody innocent of anything, they presume innocence.

The charges were reduced, so that usually means the evidence was not sufficient after some banter back and forth over the last 6 months and they negotiated to reduce charges significantly.

So what that does is imply innocence for all charges other than the one he plead guilty to.

Sorry, yes youre right. I dont know how court cases work.

Im not defending anthony''s character, fuck him right in the face and anus. I think he sucks now.

Also yes, he found the gun.

Thank you.

Why didn't he just show the court those security cam tapes to prove he didn't do anything to her?

i dindu nuffin

If they exist, and the police didn't seize them then it's probably a better idea not to volunteer information/evidence unless you have no alternative. It's amazing what little things they can pin on you, and video evidence is a lot worse than her word against his and whatever injuries she had.

I'm taking right out of my bottom

He wasn't found innocent one can only be found innocent through a jury or judge trial. Anthony's lawyers negotiated a deal with prosecutors to conclude this case. As far as the sentencing terms, that might be what is agreed to between the parties but the judge can override those terms.

His gun confiscations were not addressed in the trial

Because there was no trial.

121.11 Criminal obstruction of breathing or blood circulation.

A person is guilty of criminal obstruction of breathing or blood circulation when, with intent to impede the normal breathing or circulation of the blood of another person, he or she:

a. applies pressure on the throat or neck of such person; or

b. blocks the nose or mouth of such person.

I don't know(speculation)... but if someone were to threaten to yell to wake up the neighbors and he physically stopped her, this might fall into that category if she did initially say she had a hard time breathing when he did that.



Anyone going to call in today and ask him about it?


Let's get a pool going on the sentencing.

I'm thinking 80-120 hours community service, possibly at an adult learning annex.


His attorney is a Schwartzer. That's just rich.

Has Anthony found a way to not take responsibility and blame someone else yet? Actually, let's all just blame Keith, anyhow.


According to this website the charge he pled guilty to (the one the other charges were reduced to) has a maximum sentence of 1 year in jail, with options for probation of 3 years.

If he gets probation, will he be able to still broadcast from that New York studio?

Thats an interesting point. I guess his lawyer will argue it is his work, but maybe there will be travel restrictions. Dunno. That would probably end his run if it were the case.

Couldn't he just get a "roomate" (Joe, Keith) and that person can have all his guns technically?

What are the details? I can't open the link.



Now take me to jail.

If you think that because he turned over some amount of guns to the police when he was arrested means he has no guns now you're naive. Someone who understands all the laws and permits and things to gain all the guns in the first place is just as informed on all the ways they can be taken away. They would make sure that even if hey were arrested unexpectedly and police/government were able to search and sieze then there's still access to a gun when they get back home.

Whether he "helped someone buy a gun for themselves" or had someone buy one so even under intense scrutiny of registration matching to actual guns there's at least 1 that he has but isn't connected to his name, he's not going to stay unarmed.

If he feels he needs the protection, he wouldn't give that up over anything. He could literally just have someone who legally owns guns come live with him and that way he's not breaking the law but is safe in one of his imaginary emergencies.

That link leads to a log in page. Could someone post the bare bones of what happened?

Exactly the title of the thread.

Enough with the vagaries already.

I hope whoever comments on my comment doesn't blaspheme.

I hope you get assraped by baby jesus

it's vagaries god damn it. you people are supposed to spell good.

That's what I said.

Please dont blaspheme, I specifically asked that this wasn't done.

I hope whoever comments on my comment uses proper capitalization and punctuation.

you're right I was being out of line

That's fine but you seem to be going out of your way to deliberately do what I ask you not to. It's very annoying.

Shut up knicker.

its just a captcha, put in the 5 random characters and hit submit

sooo... which of you stalkers knows a rare gun that ant owns? and can find its auction listing anytime soon?

will Ant be on the crime report show?

I'd resubscribe if he did that.

Some kind of plea deal I guess.


I hope he gets hung by the neck until he is DEAD DEAD DEAD.


300 comments. I wonder if any of them has mentioned George Zimmerman?



people are saying different things, read the comments dummy. it took me 5 min

tl;dr You don't know how to use punctuation.

So he pled guilty to hitting Dani? Why?!

He didn't. The felony charges were reduced, there are 2 misdemeanors, property damage and obstruction of breathing. He pled to the latter.

A Misdemeanor, 1 count, Not an arrest charge, Arraignment charge: Pled Guilty

Description: Crim Obstruc Breath/aply Press

Indictment Count5

Date Added: 06/22/2016

And the show was just getting so good, too! What an absolute travesty, stay strong Cumes, stay strong.

Bye bye guns you fucking faggot.

You always thought Obama or Hilary would take them, but your did it to yourself.

How does it feel, how many times have you wept and blamed democrats?

Pathetic neocon lunatic.


I don't think you know what that word means.

Well done old boy. You will be gun oiling before the new year. Hopefully this means that dirty street urchin dani willl collect nothing as a misdemeanor result will wreck any civil lawsuit large judgements. Ha ha.

And how do we know he pled guilty and will be sentenced in August?

Gee I don't know, if only these things were on a publicly accessible website that could be linked in the title...


Does being a landlord count as a job? Because if so i have two buddy


i am a bot, and i want to make you happy again

Free gift card if you cancel a Joseph Cumia gig, FA LA LA LA

Yes, he can reverse his plea.

He plead guilty to Criminal Obstruction of Breathing or Blood Circulation (NY PL 121.11).

i also hope anthony goes to jail but lets be honest, we all know why he did it

It's four la's dammit

Confined to mah house, fa la la la la

And even that's unconstitutional. But yeah, with lawyer fees, a NYC carry permit can run $10k.

If he's pleading guilty, I somehow doubt he will do jailtime

She's definitely fucking crazy.

But let us never forget, the original source of the Moorish crime cycle is, of course, undoubtedly, the terror of White Privilege. Interesting fact, but robbery, rape, and murder did not even exist in humans before the vile substance that is white skin first appeared on the planet. More info with Louis and Kurt at 11.

I think a verbal warning should suffice. We've all made mistakes in the past but it's what we do today that counts tomorrow.

God bless you and your family.

Did he ever stop doing the Guilty By Association show and if so did he finally admit publicly that it sucked?

Do people typically get jail time for misdemeanors?