Hey guys! Just wondering what time the polls open/close for the Bristish EU referendum in relation to the eastern time zone?

0  2016-06-23 by Hyenapotion

Asking for a friend. Thanks!


you missed it. now when the queen makes aids mandatory its going to be your fault you faggot.

They close at 6am. I just voted for Sadaam.

Polls close at 10 in the UK, so 5pm on the east coast of the U.S.
For more info about when results may be available, check out: http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2016/06/22/when-we-know-result-brexit-vote/86221668/

Thanks pal! The "friend" I'm asking for is really me. At first I was embarrassed to admit I cared about such things on a forum like this but I figured "what the hay". You only live once right! Anyway, thanks again!

always find it weird when brits get into US politics. Even stranger the other way round. Why do you lot give a flying fuck? All it would do for you lot is mean a different trade deal with one country

Serious Voter Jimmy

We will remain in even though we are unhappy and getting fucked over simply because people are scared of thinking they are racist and money means more than quality of life. As a landlord the overpopulation is a nice money maker but friends my age will never be able to afford a house

They open when the cock crows and close at teatime.