Brother Joe was told to take down a post but then put it right back up seconds later

12  2016-06-22 by [deleted]


This is clearly photoshopped, someone claimed to enjoy following him.

Do we need to start offering $15.00 gift cards for every confirmed gig canceled? If so, I will put two up for grabs. How much time do you think this dimwit spends trying to ensure that his typing doesn't expose his stupidity? I can picture him going through the grammar in his head with his stupid fucking reading glasses, mouthing the words to himself. He really thinks he's a bright man.

I'll double down on this. I can't fucking stand this no talent nobody constantly lecturing the world with his dimwitted manifestos

We have $60.00 of gift cards on the table, takers.

I'll throw in a $25 Starbucks card

Get 'im. I said if he didn't rehab he'd get full force plus interest. Give it to him both barrels you animals. In addition to all the gift cards offered here, I've got some cool signed merch from O&Averse people stashed away that I'll put up for grabs for confirmed cancellations. (sorry, on medical leave at work right now, so I can't offer money)

I like how Joe's go-to for whites being savages is "The Crusades" and not say Slavery, Colonialism, World War 2, etc. I wonder how Joe feels about his home team the Italians being some of the most uncivilized and incompetent of the "white" races.

It's a lack of actually knowing history. There are people that want to know more and to know the truth (as closely as possible).

Then there are people like brojoe who want to know more in order to gather evidence in defense of the belief they already have.

Joe doesn't give a fuck about gun violence. He just likes it because it bolsters his argument that making guns illegal in cities hasn't help make them safer. But to do that he puts on his blinders just like he accuses those darned lefties of doing.

And it's horrifying how many people fit into the brojoe model of scholarship. It's people like the cumias that uphold the two parties that we hate in government because they are incapabable of being reasonable.

For god's sake the first thing they say after a mass shooting is that more people should have handguns. I like my handgun but i don't want our solution to mass shootings to be old west style shootouts when the obvious answer is the best way to stop the orlando shooting would be from keeping an AR15 out of that gay jihadists hands.

What's so crazy about coming up with ways of keeping nut jobs from getting guns as long as it doesn't take guns away from normies.

Every race and civilization worth its salt has practiced slavery and colonialism. Successfully subjugating another people is like getting accepted into a country club or buying your first S-Class. You've arrived baby. And besides free labor and new land always ruled and always will. As for WW2, the Japs more than held their own in the savagery sphere.

This is too coherent to be Samcro but this comment is the exact insane defensiveness people like Joe have about their whiteness/ America.


It may be insane but it's reality and its also been the nature of relationships between nations and races since the Assyrians, and probably different tribes of cro-magnons. And its not defensiveness i'm proud that all my nationality and half of my race is currently the top dog and has defeated so many others. That's how the game is played.

Jesus Titty Fucking CHRIST!!! We GET IT Joe.. You don't like the darkies.


He seems unstable

"Certain kinds of animals...violent...blahblahblah" says the convicted wife beater who did hard time. He picks fights with people on the goddamn internet. Potatoes have more self-awareness than this clownshoe.

I don't label people...They create their own labels. One only needs to read and comprehend to see exactly what they're made of.

Uneducated douche.

Also stop "dancing around it"...And just SAY you're talking about NIGGERS, you saggy titted FUCK.

last week it was the Mexicans and this week it is the Islams, it wasn't that long ago that Joe dedicated all his time to hating the Negro.

If Hillary Clinton becomes our president or they pass some kind gun bill, I can totally see the police discovering a bunch of bodies under BroJoe's porch in a few years. These ramblings are increasingly unstable.

Or from the compound

Holy shit! He might actually be getting dementia..

His kids must be so ashamed of their father.

I'd say his daughter is lucky that he won't be alive to see her graduate, but A) He'd probably no-show anyway & B) She'll most likely follow in her Uncle's footsteps by not graduating, either

Never forget Joe once hit his GF in the face with a frying pan.

He has a very loose definition of the word "fact".

"Good night America", yeah okay Zuckerberg

Some leftover philosophy and science from his straight-up white-power days?

tldr anyone ?

nah forget it, I do no care that much

The man's on path to have a high body count some day.

In the same manner Chris Benoit did.

Isn't it odd that a guy who is so obsessed with being able to say exactly what he wants all the time, his job is playing only music that other people wrote? Not to mention, of a band that couldn't be more politically opposite than him

Or from the compound

In the same manner Chris Benoit did.