Can we make the Opie hate a little stronger? Let's try.

2  2016-06-22 by TheScarletR

I've been really hating the Opester over the last few days, he is just consistently bothering me no matter what O&A clips I listen to. I want this post to just be a bunch of 'Opie being awful' clips because I love to hate this man. Whatever you can remember or find, link it here.


I've been hating him since I was 18.

And now you're 19?



what has happened is that you're loving him

you know it's wrong

and you're asking for reinforcement here to fight your natural tendencies

i won't take part. be yourself. love the opester. you can't change who you love. nobody gives a flying fuck about what you think anyway and in 100 years nobody will even remember you lived

what? you think itll take a hundred years for anyone to forget this guy lived?

I dont think he loves opie though, he really is very hateable. Someone made a good case once that the joe rogan people do it out of love, but I dont think its the case with the opester.

No one is currently aware that I'm alive

I've posted lots of clips of Opie being enraging. Usually the day of or after the most current OnJ show cuz I know no one else listens to that shit. But that's only on the days I can make it through the show. I could be posting 2-3 a days from each show.

Here's todays Opie is dumb clip. rOOsevelt and 10 minutes later he misreads again then gets exacerbated about it This clip includes psychoanalyst Jimmy (which is one of the worst Jimmys) I could hardly get through this clip.

edit: Go to 41:00 after the first fuck up to here some brilliant Opie humor and his patented HARSH EMPHASIS on the word FUUCKKIN. followed by "of course it's that, of course, not what i said, that makes no sense, you're right."

Lol thank you sir, much appreciated

Isn't that what this sub has been doing going on 5 years now?

fair point

eh i enjoy opie, ant , and jimmy the same

Opie lost his edge and got tits. When him and dabessois on their own this October, the show is truly dead. I cant possibly hate him more than I do now.

fair point

Lol thank you sir, much appreciated