Russell Brand on Joe Rogan's Podcast

8  2016-06-22 by HugsMcbear

Get ready for a lot of needlessly long words that don't actually mean anything.


Russel Brand is the sort of benign cunt who says things like "fuck cancer."


I don't care for that kind of talk.

Your hatred for this man seems malignant.

I can't stand that fuck. I've seen him RT his own quotes multiple times, like where there's a pic of him and a quote beside it. He's so cringeworthy,

That's not really so bad when you realize people like Steven Crowder and John Fugelsang exist and they create their own pictures of themselves with their quotes beside it and post them on twitter.

I hope they talk about how we should all just be nice to each other. That's deep, man.

The lack of self awareness in that room must be something to behold. Two of the dumbest men alive who think they are the wise sages of our time, two of the unfunniest men alive who think they are artists/scientists of humor.

Have you thoughts of cats before? Cats are these weird things that, like, live with you.

But they give you a weird virus that makes you crazy forever and your life is never the same...I read that somewhere.

I remember when he used to prattle on about giant chimps that eat lions...then all of a sudden someone must have pointed out how retarded that is to him because he stopped mentioning it at all.

Welp...he brought up giant Apes in one the last three episodes.

Joe Rogan knows a lot about a few niche things - every episode I listen to he talks about MMA/fighting, DMT, Archery and stand-up. Outside of that he's like every bald guy at a bar.

Don't forget him mentioning how much he loves Joey Diaz.

I'm convinced that Joey Diaz fucking hates Rogan's guts somewhere not-so-deep down in his soul.

But... we're all connected or something.

Brand is just like Rogan. Retard who thinks he's a genius...

"I'm just a big dummy like everyone else who takes an interest in discussing smart things that we have no comprehension about. Buy alpha brain. Now let's bring out my peer and protege, Neil Degrass Tyson".

"I always remember he used to take it in the mouth for coke." Jim Jeffries on Russel Brand


Yeah he is slightly sesquipedalian at times

Got about 3 minutes in before i tapped out.

Tap-out? You should vist Onnit and get yourself 1,000,000mg of Alpha Brain stat! Don't ever tap out ever again, be POWERFUL like Joe Rogan.

When I read your comment I thought: "it can't be that bad..."

Stopped the video right after Brand was done spewing the underwater and forest subconsciousness nonsense at around 3:20. Can't imagine going through 3 hours of that.

Like a lot of autodidacts who didn't finish school and use unnecessarily long words to try to appear clever, Brand says a lot without saying much at all.

I'll only listen if joe talks about the Boston comedy scene in the 80s

Brand wasn't even the worst part either.

Did Joe extol the virtues of the isolation tank at any point?

I liked their convo. Breuer didn't belong though, I thought for sure this was gonna be an anti Brueuer thread

Yeah, he doesn't have the same interest in the pseudo intellectual shit that Rogan and Brand like to fawn over. Breuer owns it though and I respect him more for that.

Its like when Rogan tried to bring up politics and Breuer was like "I don't even pay attention to that shit anymore"

Can i get a count on how many times he said revolution?

LOL "man bun"

Best podcast in a long time that. I enjoyed it a lot

Two pseudo intellectuals like brand and rogan jerking each other off about quantum time partical space time continuums and also jim beruer for no raisin.

Oh god just imagine if duncan was there instead of jim, the whole room would have collapsed into a black hole

I've seen Trussell's "standup" at one point, he's just another dumbfuck that thinks an acid trip made him smart.

He's the homo that jerked off another man for a TV show, right?

I don't know how he got Fear Factor.

I think it was someone on here who said something like, "smart people don't need to let other people know they're smart. Dumb people use big words to try and convince other dumb people they are smart."

I can't stand how he just throws all these big words around and just assumes it makes sense or people are just too intimidated to call him out.

I saw this on Rogan's sub but here is an excerpt from his book

I actually want Brand to be thrown in a landfill of AIDS after reading that.


Yeah, I used to replace all the little words in year 8 essays with the big ones recommended by the Word thesaurus too.

Did anyone see that Onnit just settled a case with the state of california and are being forced to pay $130,000 for having too much lead in all of their products without the proper warning labels

Acceptable levels are 5ug per pill without a label and the brain pills have like 7-8ug. Not enough to get them recalled but not good news for them all the same

Good thing his garbage lead pills are illegal anywhere outside the US

Russel brand is sort of like neil degrase tyson, they have had their balls washed so hard by retards that they really do believe they are groundbreaking at all times.

Which is why I liked his radio show/podcast his friend would point out how fucking retarded he was

Pin! Pin!

Did you listen back when one of the co-hosts got arrested, and later cleared, for rape. Ah good times.


Good old Cocky Trever Locky, grappling in the dust.

Summer mugging, had me a blast

Summer mugging, happened so fast
