It's 4AM and what is Samcro thinking about? GunViolence of course.

19  2016-06-22 by IHateSherrod


I want Clinton to win, just to see him and his flabby buddies form a militia and get mowed down by the FBI on a nature reserve in Mastic

This is a more convincing argument for voting Clinton than anything I've seen from the shills on /r/politics. Wtf #ImWithHer now.

As a Sanderista, I can't help but now support Hillary with my full fucking fervor.

Sucks that Sanders didn't get the nomination, but so long as we get high quality Waco-style footage of the Cumia brothers last stand, I'll be happy.

hahahahaha, yeah

People who constantly post about how racist Joe is are sanders supporters?! Whoa big surprise!

I am. And Joe is a fucking racist, sorry to break it to you.

Then quit obsessing over him, doesn't seeing his shitty posts get old? Or do you like it so you can act morally superior?

He's a racist gun nut retard on welfare who supports Trump with very violent passion while having never voted once before in his miserable, shit life. He's worth hating.

Haha, your little hunchback kike lost. I hope you spent hours phonebanking.


Your name indicates your racism.

Good lord are you a fucking dork. This blows having this thread overrun with babies crying RACISM!!! TRUMP SUCKS!!! Get lost


You're on a subreddit for a radio show that ended 2 years ago and youre calling him obsessed because he made fun of a racist retard?

I will keep posting his utter bullshit for all to see.

Of course you will, just go suck him off in real life already

wow...holy shit youre a faggot

Clinton is winning. You don't have to wish too hard.

Also, the impotent white trash will do exactly what they did when Obama won - cry about it and do nothing.

Your vocabulary in this was great

which words specifically impressed you?

Flabby, militia, nature reserve in Mastic. It painted a vivid picture

This loser is almost dead from old age and has been on vacation all his life. He has no work ethic and never will yet all he does is shit on people online saying how much better he is.What a pathetic sack of shit. YOU'RE ON WELFARE JOE, YOU FUCKING LOSER

You're just jealous that you don't get to hang out at the Compound with your heroes Ant, Keith, that plastic dinosaur, and the rest of the gang.

Id' rather hang out with my grandma and her friends. Same age bracket but less retarded.

It's your fault.

Q: "Ask yourself, and be honest...What should be taken out of the equation in order to genuinely save lives, the gun or the murderous gangsta fucks behind them?"

A: Your child-molesting drunk driving brother.

you forgot that he's also gay and muslim which are crimes against god

im sorry to say but "drunk driving" as an insult is kind of faggoty

My father was killed by a drunk driver. I don't think very highly of the person who did it. I'd say it's a decent insult.

he was probably just an idiot that would have killed him sober, too. a majority of people can and do drive perfectly fine with a pretty high blood alcohol content....youre kind of an idiot if you really think evrything is as bad as the DARE officers tell you

Fuck DARE, I know multiple people who were killed in accidents and most of them involved an intoxicated driver. I get it, dud, you think you're okay driving drunk. This bullshit defense that DARE has concocted a conspiracy against you is pathetic, though. Roughly half of road fatalities involve alcohol. Unless people drive drunk 50% of the time, that's a disproportionate amount.

Are you really sticking up for drunk drivers?

He's our resident edgelord, it's his duty.

there are a lot of people that can drive drunk perfectly fine, yes, as long as youre not super blacked out, plenty of people do it carefully and can get away with it. and if you dont know anyone that does/has, I kind of have to wonder if youre home schooled.

Doesn't mean it's right, dude.

Its perfectly fine if youre able to do it

Jesus you fucking sperg I'm kidding my father's alive and well living with aids.

Did I say I cared if your dumb dad was dead or not?

Eh, bragging about drunk driving with Buttplug McInnes is not exactly hetero, either. Two millionaires who can't handle the intricacies of using an Uber app.

its not bragging, its just telling the truth, driving home from the bar after 6 beers isnt going to get somebody killed every time like your DARE officer tells you. there are a lot of people that are perfectly capable to drive drunk.

Exactly. Hulk Hogan's son, for example.

assuming he got in an accident? well for every one of him there are 400,000 people that drove home drunk and got there just fine that same night.

Do you HAVE to chime in on every thread with some edgy comment you parrot from faggot Gavin? If you drive drunk you're a piece of shit. PERIOD.

its not edgy its just the truth, and obviously there are home schooled pussies that cry about it and make a way bigger deal about it than it is, driving home from the bar after 4 or 5 beers is not going to result in 5 car death filled pile up like they tell you in DARE class.

Everyone has had someone in their life die or get fucked up by drunk drivers. You're not cool, edgy, interesting, or relevant. Go talk that shit irl if you socialize and see the reaction you get.

Actually just about everyone I know casually drives after a few beers and it isn't a big deal at all. I doubt anyone you know even got killed by a drunk driver but if they did, good.

Driving after a few casual beers isn't the same as driving drunk. You're a back peddling faggot and a failed edgelord.

Driving straight up drunk is fine too as long as you're not blacked out and can handle it.

Do you have any data whatsoever to back this up?

Has the retardation on this sub really reached this point?

Retardation would be not being able to tell the difference between driving on a highway blacked out and driving home from the bar with a good buzz. There are people all around you that do it and you dont even know it. But of course moral behavior is what we should be judging radio hosts on.

Stop Posting

stop being a sheltered baby and maybe i will

God I wish he was the victim of gun violence

He's pretty angry for a guy who hasn't had to work since the 90s.

He's pretty angry for a guy who hasn't had to work since the 90s EVER.

Fixed that for ya.

I don't know if anyone has picked up on this yet but Joseph is a very stupid man.

This fucking guy. Someone take his god damn Facebook away.

But...he's got to be up at 7 a.m to take his kid to school and go to work!

Oh no he doesn't, because he only sees her on weekends and doesn't have a job. Like every ghetto black guy he thinks he's better than.

He's an idiot that writes like a 5th grader.

It must be tiring being a cumia male. Fucking chill out you both won't live that much longer

You'd think two Obama terms would have learned them something. Nothing changes no matter who is in office. At least not the things they think will happen. Nobody is going to take their guns. Black Robin Hood isn't going to knock on your front door and take all your shit and give it to the blacks. The US flag hasn't been replaced by a sickle and hammer. There's no impending race war or civil war or a militia of angry fat white people taking back derr jerrbs. It's been 8 years and he's almost done. It's not fucking happening.

There are a lot of other issues and they are slowly eroding away our rights, but that's a separate issue, and that has very little to do with Obama or Hilary or whoever else is the figure head of this fucked up system. People like Joe are the perfect type of citizens that they want. They stay angry and impotent and blame everything on the wrong people and so they hug their guns to their chests tighter than their children all the while getting fucked in the ass by the other shit to which they are blind. He's a model citizen.

Im listening through 2009 again, and youre absolutly right about how fucking wrong those tea party doomsdayers were.

Also Anthonys firearms knowlege seems to be below average, especially for a gut who a man who loves the 2A as much as him.

especially for a gut

I know Anthony has put on some weight, but that was a bit mean.

I dont type so big belly. But anthony is a strange shape for a man, also he seems to waddle when he walks.

he'd be a model citizen if he was capable of paying taxes but otherwise yeah, spot on

Joe doesn't have an original thought in his head. From trying to be The Edge in a U2 cover band, to mimicking the entirety of his younger brother's persona, he's a copycat human of the highest order.


13 likes? Jesus, even if you were to agree with 100% of what BroeJoe says, wouldn't you just get sick of hearing about it every. single. day?

And he's 59 years old, let's hope the stress over fear of black people kills him.

It's as if a localized gun policy that can be circumvented by driving to Indiana isn't indicative of the effect federal gun restrictions would have.

And Downtown Chicago is 15 minutes by expressway from Indiana, less than that if you live on the South Side where a lot of this DMZ-style shooting takes place. Honestly, it doesn't take a fucking genius to figure this out, but you'd be surprised how many people use the "Chicago has strict gun laws" trope.

Or, ya know, niggers could stop shooting one another but nobody wants that.

Socioeconomic factors maaaaaaan

"Recently, though, some evidence has emerged indicating that a rare allele of the MAOA gene-that is, the 2-repeat allele-may have effects on violence that are independent of the environment. The current study builds on this research and examines the association between the 2-repeat allele and shooting and stabbing behaviors in a sample of males drawn from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. Analyses revealed that African-American males who carry the 2-repeat allele are significantly more likely than all other genotypes to engage in shooting and stabbing behaviors and to report having multiple shooting and stabbing victims."

Ignore this, I'm sure systemic racism and lax gun laws are the real problem.

How many years of biology did you take?

I mean, incorporating the terrorism no-fly list into the background check process and banning AR-15ish weapons certainly wouldn't stop mass shootings as effectively as your solution, which is to point out a bunch of individually-targeted handgun murders, then yell "why can't a group of people I believe to be genetically predisposed to violence refrain from being violent?" at the sun.

I don't know about you guys, but all of Brother Joe's obsessive, manic, insane rambling and ranting about guns doesn't make me feel safe.

Samcro? Backstory please?

Joe is a badass biker, and if there's one thing badass bikers all agree on, it's that wearing Sons of Anarchy apparel is totally badass. Joe has taken that to heart and pretty much bought out the fx store's entire xxl stock of hoodies, hats and commemorative sunglasses. SAMCRO stands for Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club Redwood Original. Joe is an honorary member.

Don't forget the faggot ass Samcro ring he has as well.

Well I'll be sure not to fuck with him.

Long story made short, Joe Cumia, Jr. is a faggot.

Which is fitting since Joe Cumia Sr. was a faggot as well.

I think he was more a pedophile. He had a thing for the barely-legal snatch like Ant does. Although Ant has a reason in that his father had him raped by a 19-year-old girl he was likely also fucking.

google it


God - his "followers" are horrible people


The profile pictures of the commenters are a delight

to a certain extent i understand taking a stance on issues.... but why do they insist on repeating it nonstop?

haven't they watched an interesting movie lately?


I want trump to win, so he can fuck this country up worse than Reagan and W combined.

Then watch them (the Cumia KKK) fucking defend him doing some dumb shit (invading Mexico) and blame Obama

or do everything almost exactly the same as obama and W did for the past 16 years and listen to them prattle on about how great the country has become now

especially for a gut

I know Anthony has put on some weight, but that was a bit mean.

Driving after a few casual beers isn't the same as driving drunk. You're a back peddling faggot and a failed edgelord.

Of course you will, just go suck him off in real life already