'Customer Service' Jim is the worst

49  2016-06-22 by JMueller2012

I'm listening to a Nopie show and Jim is going into detail about his strategy for dealing with customer service and I want to throw my mom at a train.


Like he's fucking cracked the code at dealing with people because they don't have his Diet Coke with Lime. Fuck off


Princess Jimmy deserves everything he wants immediately

Isn't that what his man-servant Lurch is for?

Can some call in and tell him how pathetic it is that he needs to bring a babysitter with him everywhere.

Pathetic? Jim Norton requires protection and assistance like all the biggest celebrities. Sure, Louis doesn't need a bodyguard, but Jim is far more popular. Can you imagine Michael Jackson or Mick Jagger going out alone?

Four-star, VIP treatment at the Grasshopper!

It's his attempt to look like a man. Naturally, it makes him look like a woman.

He really does think he's being this take-no-BS tough guy who won't let these customer service sssccuumbaaggssss get one over on him. He's the type who thinks they're all out to just fuck with customers and he's going to show them!

Meanwhile most people in those jobs are just trying to get by working an absolute shit job for shit pay dealing with a ton of "the customer is always right" bullshit while getting yelled out by indignant shit for brains who don't realize that corporate policies are not the fault of the people making minimum wage. I have fantasized about skinning people like Jim alive and hanging their corpse in front of the store for everyone to see.

We need you in aisle six, Timmy.

Make hastings.

I don't think that would be very good for business

90% of customer service douchebags are just faggots on power trips.


Get back to work, wagecuck. These customers aren't going to waste their own time!

The joke was so good the first time that it needed repeating.

What? You're not very bright. I can see why you work in customer service.

I don't but okay.

Oh sure, you're just butthurt about it because of your incredible capacity for empathy towards the common man.

I did. Years ago when I was in college. And now I dont. Its not terribly complex, your highness.

Apparently punctuation is.

Oh man. College part time jobs and punctuation. You really hit below the belt.

Good comeback, faggot.

Shut the fuck up you fucking retard. I hope your cock gets flayed in front of your worthless parents.

How can we go on power trips if we don't have any power

Maybe everyone that donated to the Kickstarter needs to tell him it's UNACCEPTABLE that there's still no episodes out.

I'm sure you can just phone the Sirius corporate offices and ask to be directed to Jim Norton's complaint department

Remember how angry he was that time he can't figure out how to use his iPhone so he was tweeting Tim Cook and told them to get their shit together

It was literally something an 75-year old (who could use Twitter) would do.

Ken M?

Hmm...yeah I'll give that to ya. Years ago they were funny about it but in more recent years he's turned into kind of a bitch faggot regarding that stuff like anyone is that files a complaint because they waited too long or something. Unless its really ridiculous most things are just run by people that are generally doing their best and shit just gets out of hand at times and customers can be annoying as fuck buying dumbass lottery tickets and shit. I ususally understand that when things are taking a long time or whatever, he doesnt seem to.

You don't understand. It's ok for people like us to be inconvenienced, but Jim Norton is an A lister. The world should know if anything irritates him so we can collectively try harder next time.

Jimmy acts like he wouldnt be one of those shitty unhelpful employees if he wasnt in radio and comedy.

Meanwhile getting a retweet will cost you 60K....

I love when Big Amy complained that comedy clubs don't give you a meal or pick you up in a 'nice car'. How are they that entitled?

Rent yourself a nice car and go get yourself something to eat.

A gypsy cab & a burger. How hard can that possibly be?

"Ya can't curse dude, just don't curse!"

I know Bill is humoring him by praising him, but goddamn it annoys me

Thats alright. It's the catalyst for getting to hear how Bill flips out on them

I've cursed at someone remotely related to customer service when this cunt nurse wouldn't talk to the doctor about filling my vicodin prescription. They really don't like being called cunts.


For the interested. That's a good hour though. Bill talking about how there needs to be a geek squad made up of old people was hilarious.

Who's the slug in the middle?

I still love Jimmy, but this is one of the worst sides of him, next to maybe Celebrity Photo Addict Jim. It really makes him come off like a jackoff to anyone who's ever worked in customer service at all.


Was he always like this? I think the fact that he was the most loved member of the show and was treated like a prince amongst truck drivers made him this spoiled

God I remember that. He's pissed because the bodega guy wouldn't let him in to buy coffee at 5am when the place wasn't open yet? What a bitch.

Not for nothing, but as someone that worked customer service for an online retailer right after I got out of college...

"unacceptable" is a word that helps you get what you want. If you say "this is bullshit" the customer service rep can hang up on you because you've used profanity. I used to do it all the time if the person I was talking to was being a dick.

Jim loves sticking it to the man by being a prick to struggling single moms stuck in a shitty job.

His using the show as leverage shamelessly.

Nope. That was a great conversation and Jimmy was right about nearly every method he had to handle it. Ant and Bill agreed.

Ken M?

Oh sure, you're just butthurt about it because of your incredible capacity for empathy towards the common man.