0  2016-06-22 by bobomobile


A second hand Gawker story. You thought this would be funny and/or appropriate how?

There was an attempted - however retarded - assassination on the Republican candidate yesterday yet let's focus on some mean words this scary White guy said.


I'm guessing people aren't worried about the attempted assassination on Trump because it was a retarded kid from the UK who didn't even have a weapon and tried to take a cop's gun (aka reached for a gun but never got anywhere close to having it). If you google attempted assassinations on people running for president or presidents the list is nonstop. I don't care about what the guy in this video is saying but I also don't worry about a shithead retard from the UK wanting to kill Trump... we had a guy jump the fence at the white house because he wanted to kill Obama and make it into the building with a knife before he was tackled by Secret Service. If you want to hold the highest office in the world you will get people who want to kill you.

Is there a video of it? We've got this roid rage bro right here for our entertainment.

Here ya go... 16 minutes of continuous anti trump violence. Ill side with a moron like this loser over violent commie moron losers ANY DAY

16 minutes? Wow, it never ends.

Its longer than the one case , just one, of a trump supporter sucker punching a guy.

Look at the scared kids. Thats the side youre on. The side who attack and intimidate people as a rule not an exception. I dare you to try to find even 2 minutes of pro trump violence

But the media will always focus on one instance of pro Trump violence and ignore the hours and hours of anti Trump violence. They claim to be fair and impartial but somehow overlook all the shit the Trump protestors do. I saw in one video where a cop casually mentioned that the Trump protestors had been bussed in. So they are so rabidly against Trump that they are bussing in protestors to try and shut down his rallies and speeches. Which means that in some areas they don't have enough people against Trump so they have to stack the deck and bus in losers to make it look like hundreds of people are against Trump everywhere he goes.

Liberals are more violent in protests / demonstrations, and conservatives are far, far more violent in their policy positions. For example, they're usually in favor of carpet bombing middle eastern country because they think it's funny when brown kids get murdered. They're against letting refugees and their children flee to safer places because they think it's funny when brown children are murdered. That's why individual liberals are more violent - because the other side is full of child killers.

Nice rack of strawmen you layed out. Right wingers a racist pro murderers. Lol. Dump the high school "trump is hitler" routine and you wont look so silly.


Im not a republican but i debate them without painting them as satan with golf shirts. It makes your position not so.... unreasonably out of proportion

You're very close to a Republican. I would bet you call yourself a libertarian or one of the near-identical sister labels that they use - objectivist, "classical" liberal, randian, anarchocapitalist, etc.

Look, it's not my fault that conservatives are so overwhelmingly pro war. I understand WHY they tend to be pro war, however, which is because they think murdering children is funny.

And I wouldn't say that Trump is Hitler, that's hyperbole that goes too far. What I would say is that Trump is a racist psychotic who thinks it's funny when children are murdered.

Well youre going to lose any arguement you have if you argue with the caracature you created. I could say all liberals are baby murdering, soviet, totalitarians set on neutering the country but i realize only extremists are like that. Everyone else is someehere in the middle.

And yes im classical liberal. In reality that means liberalism without socialism. Im pro abortion, anti religion, war is a regretable action to be taken only when ALL other methods have failed. Im pro egalitarianian (equality in the eyes of the law) and i dont believe people should be judged on the content of their character and not the color of their skin. And i think businesses and government should keep eachother in check

Well youre going to lose any arguement you have if you argue with the caracature you created.

That doesn't even make sense. My caricature is extremely easy to argue against.

war is a regretable action to be taken only when ALL other methods have failed.

Somehow I doubt your list of methods is very long before you resort to war.

Im pro egalitarianian (equality in the eyes of the law)

Which in reality probably means you're against legislation that protects the rights of minorities and you're in favor of allowing businesses to discriminate against those groups. That is, not egalitarian.

i dont believe people should be judged on the content of their character and not the color of their skin.


And i think businesses and government should keep eachother in check

That is, you want large corporations to have legitimate influence in American politics.

So, pretty much a libertarian.


"Which in reality probably means you're against legislation that protects the rights of minorities and you're in favor of allowing businesses to discriminate against those groups. That is, not egalitarian."





of, relating to, or believing in the principle that all people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities.

"a fairer, more egalitarian society"

I never said i wasnt for protecting anyones rights to equal opportunity of business or patronage. You mischaractarized me. How do you feel about black only student unions or a black only event on public property? What do you feel about a university hiring only "poc" and excluding whites for any position?

Right, I know what it means, but you aren't one. You hate gays, you hate trans people, hell, you even hate women you little faggot. And I can totally understand black only groups so they can discuss issues that affect them without getting constantly derailed by people like you who would probably deny that racism is even a problem in the first place.

Lol. Looks like you lost. No logic just emotional name calling. The trick is to use logic so you dont look like a fucking moron. You just got trounced. You couldnt answer my question because you know my position is in fact FAIRER and treats all races and gender equally.

And sexist? ... Look... if your taking jokes i say on HERE as proof of whatever "ism" i am, you deserve to be raped without provocation

I answered what you asked. I explained why black only discussion groups exist. And you don't make jokes here. You use this place to grandstand for your alt right horse shit.

So your for segregation. Got ya.

All you got is "alt-right". Go watch the daily show kid. How old are you again??

No, I'm not for segregation. I said I understand why black people form discussion groups about their issues that exclude whites.

Go listen to Gavin. How old are ya again, #proudboy?

How about on public land with public money? Because state universities allow that but If KKK or black panthers want to throw parties at their houses im fine with that.

You DO watch daily show huh?

Not with public money.

And hahaha, you watch Gavin.

Ahhha... then we agree youre just like me you alt right blah blah.

Why shouldn't the state support black student unions or advanced feminism classes only open to women?

Feminism classes are open to men.

Gavin isnt 5erribly funny. And you think i watch him becaused a 2 word phrase he might have used.... youre a little too hair trigger huh?

I know you watch him because you repeat his stupid opinions as your own.

Well youre saying the same shit samantha bee says so you watch her huh?

You must, right?

Never seen her show, but from what I've seen on the daily show she's a pretty smart chick.


Yeah most alt right fags aren't bright enough to grasp what she says

Judging by your rhetoric EVERYONE is to the Right of you. JFK was a classical liberal. To you hes an evil republican

You're right wing even for this place.

"What a country" - Yakov Smirnoff

Sweet tribal bro

And he will, too.

all his roids come from Mexico



Trump VP candidate?