YKWD Live about to start, if you have nothing else going on

0  2016-06-22 by TheScarletR


Link or it didn't happen

Fawk yeah. LJG is on. Im in.

I have nothing going on and after receiving this info, unfortunately I still have nothing going on.

Why can't even some of the longest running podcasts figure out how to buy/set up mics that don't suck ass because people fluctuate between barely above a whisper to frying the shit out of your eardrums every 20 seconds? Do good radio studio mics cost 10 million dollars or something?

You would think so the way these fucking podcasters whine about it. The mics have been an issue on Bobbys podcast since he started it like 6 years ago


Well, you can't really get podcast equipment into the city so he's doing the best with what he's got