Classic O&A: Irish Anti-Speeding PSA

28  2016-06-21 by Vic_Dum

I'm not sure exactly what did it for me (could be Ant's reaction at 3:42), but goddamn if this didn't make me laugh uncontrollably in my office for two straight minutes. Fuck I really miss the old days.


I noticed that tits contribution was less than 10% of the ha ha's.

I love this video, never fails to make me laugh.

I saw this ad before hearing it on the show.. It has to be one of the most fucked up, crazy adverts ever

I miss them.

It's broodul that these old clips aren't even popular on here anymore

While not Classic O&A, it's Classic Loveline: Adam and Drew listening to the gun violence PSAs rules.

That's one of the dead ones singing!

As a New Yorker I heard those Ad Council or whatever ads for like 7 years straight, so that's some mighty fine nostalgia.

And Where Have All The Children Gone? (I WANNA KNOW!!!!) was also a TV ad they showed on WPIX every show in like 1999.

Even if you have kids and are sappy about it, this ad is so over the top you can't not laugh at it. Conclusion: Opie stinks.

Of course tittyboy with his me-me-me reaction letting everyone know that as a father he's not fully laughing along with everyone else.

When his gold digger was knocked up everyone was speculating on how he might get annoying because he'd want to talk about parenting stuff a lot. Should have seen it coming that he'd milk it for every shred of attention he could squeeze out of it.

Holy shit, who directed that commercial? How could all of that get approved? This is such a great find, thank you.

