How Jim and Anthony could've made money

0  2016-06-21 by PeckaFactoryForeman


Whether video games or movies or whatever.

Most Machinima kids are awful and they get millions of views. And they're commentaries are broooootal.

If Anthony and Jimmy did some, sprinkle in some chip and some dice and people would've been all in.

One of my favorite listens is when Chip is commenting on that romantic comedy trailer.

Seacrest out.


have to agree, Chip commenting on the Star wars trailer was awesome!

They try to recreate on Tranthony's podcast what they used to do on the show. There's a few laughs here and there, but they can't seem to get the flame going. We're never going to bits like Mimi Beardsley again.

Anything by Chip would be hilarious

Sucking a lot of Peckaws!