Fuck me, I think I'm gonna become a faggot UFC fan

0  2016-06-21 by duranfarbissina

If I'm being totally honest with myself, I know I'm gonna listen to every episode of Norton's new pod. I'll listen for jokes at first, but slowly all the UFC talk will fester in my subconscious. I might hire a hitman to monitor my cable bill and if I order one of these fights I'll sign off on his right to shoot me on sight.


Gay porn is on demand and free

I hear it's awful though. Buncha peckas


I love the UFC but I would never pay to watch. Just find a live stream online

Is the poddacast actually good? I don't really like UFC, but I like funny Jimmy.

If you don't like UFC don't bother

Better than Brogan's Yes-men Fag companion podcast.

The good thing about UFC is that unlike boxing you can watch two guys you've never heard of and still be entertained.

You just watch the wrong boxing fights. Maywether fights are garbage because all he does is play the defense. But that shouldn't have been a surprise to anyone who has seen his fights

Boxing fights aren't hyped anymore though. The sport is in a slump and most people could probably name more current UFC fighters than current boxers. Plus MMA is just getting more popular.

"Mayweather fights are garbage".. So you don't like boxing

I should've said "boring"

He's masterful at what he does, and I respect the fuck out of it. But his punches have no bite to them. Majority Maywether fights go the distance and he's always boxing circles around them, and dominating the other fighter. His opponents can rarely ever hit him. I hate his fights because they're always 1 sided

I think the thing is that technically amazing boxing is simply boring to watch. For a lot of people anyway. I appreciate what he can do, but i have no interest in seeing it.

Is your character so weak that if you hear enough UFC content, you'll just start liking it?

Youre PERFECT cult material

It's alright sometimes.



I abhor the UFC