remember Ron Bennington used to shill for that retard Jeff Gurdian

0  2016-06-21 by Hunter_Cumia


Remember how Ron is at his best when he is interacting with strange people? Remember how Gurian is a lunatic, who believes aliens built the pyramids? Remember how Ron is on a comedy channel, and is pitched young comics and does his best to put them over? Remember how you're too stupid to enjoy his humor? You stink

And wasn't Gurian paying for his R&F appearances anyhow?

whats too stupid to understand lol, its not like hes explaining quantum physics. i like ron and fez and i was just asking if anyone remember that turd gaiden, dont lose any sleep over this buddy

If you can't understand why he has Gurian on, then yes you're too stupid to understand his sense of humor.

can you explain the comedic value of gail bennington to me thx

Don't change topics. Defend your original viewpoint pussy.

i admit defeat and i take off my hat which happens to be a fedora to you fam. now lets talk about gail bangton

What makes you think that she was brought in for comedic value? Maybe Ron was tired of having a co-host who didn't listen to any music or enjoy talking about film? Maybe he just wanted someone who could sit down and talk without having a panic attack? I listen because I think Ron is the most talents radio host to ever do it. Why would it bother me that he got his daughter a steady gig?

its great and all that you are all in with everything bennington, guess i am not as much of a die hard fans as you brutha. i think its pretty weak to get his daughter with no radio talent a radio gig

Fuckin A, can't stand it ughhhh. Ronnie B tho fuck

That's...that's all I got Ronnie.


Remember when Ron would shill no namer comedians and say they're the funniest people comin up in America

is that retard guradian some struggling comedian? it seems like he was doing pretty good for himself but what do i know.

also can u name a few names of the bums ron tried to carry? cause i sure as shit dont remember he tried to help any of the open mic bums like bobby does

I couldn't name or even the strictest comedy snobs couldn't name the low level comedians he used to bring on a year or two ago can't be bothered to listen anymore it's sleep inducing

Bobby helps the true open mic hacks. Ron has definitely brought some lame asses on, but I'd rather hear a shit comedian than Gail. I love Ron, but I find myself listening less and less. Gurian was a joke, Ron fucked with him regularly, and I'm pretty sure Ron even said a boss arranged the Gurian appearances.

lol the whole bennington show is like a safe space for ron without anyone challenging him. pepper is great on HSR but hes helpless around ron

I saw Gurian at skankfest, he's such a weird looking person

what about that vic henry guy on opie raqio, i really wish he would dye his hair

That weird little fucker was awful.

Vic Henley gets hate here, but he stomped all over Jeffshells

Gurian was O and A's version of Stalker patty, or Ian Halperin.

Some easy fucking target you can waste some time on.

admittedly i havent listen to a lot of jeff audio, maybe its worth diving into

is that retard guradian some struggling comedian? it seems like he was doing pretty good for himself but what do i know.

also can u name a few names of the bums ron tried to carry? cause i sure as shit dont remember he tried to help any of the open mic bums like bobby does