Pornstar on O&A '03

15  2016-06-21 by goldstandard32


Big A lurking outside the studio creeps me out every time.

That's a real life friend on Anthony and Joe.

"I just showed Colin my bubs."

That's one fuckin' good lookin' kitty if y'ask me.

She does the best car anal and horizontal door fucking in the industry.


I find this difficult to masturbate to, but it won't stop me from trying.


her bubs actually wouldn't be so bad if they weren't on the body of a bloated, alcoholic waterbuffaller. I'd fuck her on a door in her youth.

Dat stank nigga got triangle tiddies

You don't need to trick us like that.

like a majestic waterbuffeler

I'll say it. I miss her.

Big A tryin to get a peek! AAHAHAHA

Lady Di just ruined my day, first thing I heard in my head was bubs


Mmmm...Lady Di's bubs. I'm jerking off to this later.

actually it wasn't from '03, my bad

Probably 13/14?

no idea

I think it's either the Supershow/Return of/Internship.


My first thought was, they weren't on the air in '03



I would have wagered on her having discoloration or striations

She probably an old ho now

I don't hate it.

Holy shit. Her grotesque body is somehow only half as grotesque as her disgusting face.

That's a real life friend on Anthony and Joe.