Explain to me/us what the background is on the people who spam this board.

0  2016-06-21 by Lies_and_Propaganda

I'm not scrolling through those fags posts to get every reference you cunts make. People like stink and knickers and that guy who made all the alts, etc...

Also just throwing this out there for my sake, seriously who are people like Distefano, Metzger and east side Dave. I get the bigger names, but as a person who likes to think he has a good grasp on American culture and celebrity, seriously have no idea who most of these it seems regulars on the show are or why they are good enough to be there.


You need to kill yourself or sumthin.

Already tried, that's why I can't take xanex anymore. And after I became a homeless heroin addict, it'll probably be soon. But any who thanks for the asvice/encouragement friend.

edit: My apologies, keep on keeping on. You can do this!!!

You have an ass vice.

It helps with the constipation when the Heroin binds his turds up.

If that means one of my many vices is getting fucked in the ass then that's entirely accurate.

Scorch is the king of all media.

I mean I thought that was a given. (Though I do know a bit about him and it seems sad which is bad compared to how sad the rest of the cast is.)

What are you talking about? Do you think people like metzger and distefano spam the sub?

Nah, I'd like to know about the users who spam this sub, and as an aside if any cared enough to bother I don't know who these regular comedian people are supposed to be or why they are funny enough to be on the shows.

Clearly you're not a regular participating member or you'd have your answers and since you're not a regular member why do you care? Does it annoy you that you come here once a month/week and can't get your instant update on the big stars Amy and Opie?

I read this board every day, countless times, I don't have my meds since my parents kicked me out for being a fag, and my mind is constantly racing until I can find some way to get heroin. So I read this and other boards to distract myself from the constant pain I feel. I like this board cause the way y'all treat each other reminds me of the old forums I hung out on as a kid. And seriously I've learned a lot in my months here, but y'all don't ever explain shit.

Nigga you trollin?

Nah, I like being incredibly blunt but it does have the unfortunate/sometimes fortunate tone to it that comes off as trollish.

People here like o and a show largely for the rotating cast of people that did crazy shit and broke each others balls. Especially awesome was the often times brutally funny comics like patrice, colin, otto, etc 2 of those comics are dead and others have moved on so we are interested in the younger comics that could potentially step in. Only problem is almost none of them are as close to as funny or original as the people i mentioned also people like ant and jim used to be that funny but now they kind of suck. So we just try to make each other laugh by making fun of these turds instead because they are failing miserably at it. I just listened to the episode with Patrice and dr z tonight... I cant imagine any comic being as close as fucking brutally honest and original and just so not pc as Patrice is that... And also loud and crazy funny, nor can i imagine a show being so insane and spontaneous anymore. That episode was similar to old stern where its almost like your listening to an insane party. Dr z almost fucked Patrice in the ass with a strap on and Patrice had these convincing and really original opinions about how women want to be men etc. It was so awesome!

Thank you, that was helpful. I've watched a good amount of the Patrice and Quinn stuff posted, and old Louis, but every time I listen in to any of these I guess newer people and I mean even Opie and ant it just makes me feel so uncomfortable and sad for everyone involved.

Get into mindfulness meditation or gtfo

That would be a good way to get me to kill myself faster. I can barely stand seconds alone with my sober thoughts without wanting to kill myself.

Well that's unfortunate for you. You should consulate multiple psychologists, gurus, and various people you think are cool, wise or people you aspire to sort of be like.

Then you should definitely get into mindfulness meditation.

since my parents kicked me out for being a fag

Is your last name Mateen, by any chance?

Ha, I wish, he had a wife and kid. My father might not hate me and disinherit me anymore if I could knock up a chick like him. I mean my brothers engaged and will have kids, why does it matter what I do, the family name survives it's just your first born son was a failure and that unfortunate genetic failure will die out with me.

God damn dude, you got some shit going on huh? This probably isn't the best place to vent that.


If we knew, they'd be banned, their posts come in waves that probably have to do with their prescriptions running out. Thank fuck they haven't been around recently.

How's Bobo doing?

East Side Dave is the guy that got cucked by the drummer at his wedding.

I think you meant that for the other thread about Danny fucking Melissa or whatever.